Travelling for the fun times and plot lines. Here till the money isnt. Read more Brighton, United Kingdom
  • Day 366

    Bike pick up

    September 25, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

    Finally, the time came for us to pick up our bikes. After a relaxing morning, we found some lunch and then headed out to the shop to collect the bikes. Mine is a blue one, and Dad's is red. Adjusting to the semi automatics is a bit weird. But the bikes ride nicely, and Hoi An is quiet enough to be able to ride pretty well.

    Dad and I spent most of the day just relaxing and preparing for the journey ahead of us.
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  • Day 365

    Hoi an

    September 24, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

    After an interesting night's sleep, we arrived in Da Nang. The train was actually better than I feared it would be, but 17 hours on a train is rough no matter what.

    Someone from our hotel in Hoi An picked us up from the train station. An air-conditioned taxi after the train was very nice. But the hotel was far better. It was a much needed break after so much travel.

    The hotel did food as well so we decided to eat in for lunch. Then, relax for what was left of the afternoon.

    Around sunset, we decided to walk down to the night market. One of the biggest markets in Vietnam, it stretched across one bank of the river and half of the island opposite. We had our first taste of vietnamese Banh Mi and some pancakes. Once the sun set, the lights strung around the entire market could be seen clearer. It was beautiful.
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  • Day 364

    Ho Chi Minh City

    September 23, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Dad and I spent the day walking around the city and visiting the sites. We started at the war museum, which was fascinating. The exhibit covered three floors and the outside, which was a little much in my opinion but still fascinating. There were sections on the machines, the countries involved, the countries against it, agent orange, and so much more. It was honestly incredible to experience.

    I had been told by some other travellers that the museum is better to do than the tour, and they were right. I didn't learn anything in the tour that I didn't in the museum but so much more in the museum than tour.

    The city is manic, I am very glad we are not picking up bikes here, I would not enjoy riding through this city. We found a market style place with a load of stalls for lunch as we wandered through the city. After getting highly confused on how to withdraw money from atms, we found our way back to the hostel.

    Dad then took a trip across town to see an old government building while I waited with the bags. We then caught a taxi to the train station for our night train.

    The train is pretty basic. Not awful though, we grabbed some snacks before setting off.
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  • Day 363


    September 22, 2023 in Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

    Woke up on my first morning in my 3rd country of this trip. The jetlag was hitting me a bit so I slept for around 10hrs but woke up at 5am so that wasn't ideal but it was ok.

    Today a girl in my room and I paid to go on a tour of the chi chu tunnels found in southern vietman. We set of from our hostel and began the 2hr drive. I handt realised how long it would take but it was an ok journey.

    We did stop part way through at a centre created by a charity to give jobs to those effected by Agent Orange. They create these incredible mosaic style pieces out of egg shells and pearls. The pieces were beautiful and all sales went to fund the charity and those helped by it.

    The tunnels themselves were quite something. They are incredible feats of human ingenuity and strength but our tour guide was weird. It was like he was trying to be neutral and give both sides of the story, but he ended up have very little to say about either. He was clearly pro north vietnam and the communist side but was maybe trying to hide that fact as he was in the southern part of the country. I'm not sure but it was not as informative as I had hoped.

    Back in the hostel I had a rest. The travel in the mini bus and jetlag was getting back to me. In the evening dad arrived. We went out for dinner and had a drink in the hostel bar. The roof bar had a great view of the city at night.
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  • Day 361

    One last day

    September 20, 2023 in Australia

    My final day in Sydney. I'm going to be honest, I don't know how I got here. But ok then.

    I decided to do a walking tour of Sydney. I did this walk before back in January, where I met Moni, but I decided to do it again. I didn't want to be alone on my last day and hoped that tour would have someone I could spend the day with. Thankfully, it did.

    After the tour, 7 of us ended up going to get ice cream together. I made friends with 2 girls on the tour, and then we grabbed 3 other guys from their hostel and the tour guide to come with us. We then went down to the botanical garden, walked around and choose a spot at the far end with the sights in the distance. We ended up staying there for the rest of the day as the sunset.

    We grabbed some food for dinner and then I headed back to my hostel around 8pm. My flight is a 10 tomorrow and I am exhausted from spending all day with people.

    An excellent final day to my time in Aus.
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  • Day 360

    Bondi-coogee walk

    September 19, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    On my second to last day in Australia, I took the bus out to Bondi and did the famous Bondi to Coogee walk.

    I arrived around 9am and set off. All in all the walk took about 1.5hrs and it was nice. A simple walk with only minimal slopes. Unfortunately it was boiling hot. Around 28° as I finished and I was struggling a little.

    I spent a few hours on the grass by the beach. The sand was packed with people and provided no shade whatsoever. I did swim briefly when I first arrived at coogee but the waves were very strong and I did not trust my capabilities. It was however freezing cold which was gorgeous after being so warm while walking.

    Around 1 I walked through the town and found something for lunch. This rice salad was amazing, and hit the spot perfectly.

    I took the 2,30 bus back to the city and walked through the main area before heading back to my hostel. I needed to do laundry so did that and had a very long shower.
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  • Day 359

    Travelling once more

    September 18, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    Guess who's flying again. Yep, its me. No jokes though, I feel so happy. I actually love flying.

    My dumbass decided to get a 9,30am flight which would have been fine but the airport is 30 minutes from town and I get so anxious with flying so I was up at 6,30! Thankfully the journey was super easy, check in was simple and I had a bit of time after to walk around and get breakfast. I got a raspberry and white choc muffin, a solid choice. Then it was time to board.

    The plane was tiny and didn't have proper spinny things (I can't think of the word) it has these tiny wings, crazy. The view however was beautiful. I rarely fly during the day so was enjoying the view immensely. I was flying with Rex and they gave us a free drink and cookie, so much better than jetstar and cheaper.

    I arrived in Sydney at 11 and was in the hostel by 12. Unfortunately check in wasn't until 2pm but I expected as such so it was fine. I dropped my bag off and went for a walk.

    I have already been here since knew the city layout. I went first to the war memorial as the museum and art gallery are very close. The museum has basically the same exhibits as the one in Brisbane so I didn't stay long. The art gallery had a hall of landscapes so I was very pleased. Landscape are definite my favourite kind of art, that and interpretive sculptures.

    I then got some lunch and sat in the park for a bit reading. Finally I went back to the hostel as it was getting a little cold and checked in. The lift is broken so I ahd to climb 4 flights of stairs, yay. But the manager saw me checking in and carried my bag the whole way. I felt kind of bad but not enough to do it myself!
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  • Day 358

    View of the city

    September 17, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    So today I finally met up with Tom and Ari. I met them on Gili T and promised I would come see them when I was in brisbane.

    Tom met me at my hostel and brought his bike and drove us up Mt Coot-tha. The view from the top today was so clear. We did a bit of the loop around the peak but as we were both in jeans we didn't go far. It was super hot but beautiful.

    Back in the city we met Ari at their place and ended up deciding to play basket ball. Not sure how but it was fun, turns out I'm not awful. I'm not great but not awful.

    We then headed to the hill for sunset and watched the city lights turn on as the sky darkened. We basically just chilled and chatted the whole time.
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  • Day 357

    The city loop

    September 16, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Once again I woke up early for literally no reason and dragged Alex out around the city with me. Today we did a loop from my hostel, over the go between bridge, all the way down south bank and to kangaroo point. Before crossing Story Bridge, getting the free boat from Riverside to the marine museum and across the bridge to the botanical garden, then back to the city and finally on the 33 bus because its free, so why not.

    We got a pastry each at a very popular French bakery at kangaroo point. Alex got a pain au chocolat, which she made me pronounce a thousand times before I got it right, damn French people. And I got a raspberry tart. It had creme fresh (don't hate me for the bad spelling), at the bottom and a sweet jelly like topping full of fresh raspberries. It was honestly one of the best pastries I have ever had.

    We had so many great views of the city as we walked. The main part is on the north side so as we were walking we essentially circled the entire thing. I also spotted a few more of the blue nijas artworks as we were going about.

    We had a great day but after 6hrs of walking, I was dead yet again. I got back around 3pm and just laid in bed for the rest of the day. Bit lazy but I was dead!
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  • Day 356

    History and bells

    September 15, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    In the second half of our walk we found some churches and a massive book store that was giving ancient vibes.

    At the end of the walk I headed back to the city Hall where they do tours of the bell tower. Sadly the bells have always been mechanically rung but the original lift and views of the city made up for it.

    Below the bell tower was a museum which wasn't super interesting. But I met Alex again and we did a bit of a walk through the city. We came across a climate change protest that was wlaking through the centre of the city. It was very loind but not very big. Then headed to the brisbane museum. Again, a little disappointing as the dinosaur exhibit we wanted was $25 and we did care that much.

    We took a break by the river for a bit before parting again. It was 4pm by this point and I had been walking around the city for nearly 8hrs on and off so was exhausted and very ready for sleep.
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