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    • Hari 21

      Roman road

      Kemarin, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Today we walked about 32km. Fiona's app said it would be 29, and my feet are not impressed. Knowing it was going to be a long one we were out on the road by 6am when it was a mere 3 degrees C. Good for fast walking. We were rewarded with a beautiful sunrise and wholemeal croissants after 14Km, in Sahagún. That's the midway point on our walk, 385km or thereabouts, and you can pay 2 euros and get a halfway certificate from the museum,which we did. It is very pretty and all that but says nothing about halfway so another pilgrim myth. The church museum was good though, even has a mummy.
      After heading out of Sahagún the path splits and we chose the roman road for the next two days. Another myth is that you shouldn't walk it as there are cobblestones, but actually it has a sandy top. We were the only people on it, and as F was half a mile ahead as usual I had it to myself. Beautiful big skies, scrub and wild flowers including French lavender on both sides. Even aching feet didn't spoil it.
      We are now in a small village in a nice hostel with only 5 guests all of whom we have met before. We had a reasonably edible (by my fussy standards) meal after spending the afternoon drawing in the garden again.
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    • Hari 31

      El Carretera

      Kemarin, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Rustig op met het gevoel van dit liedje na meer dan 4 weken....vol goede moed verder ri. Castrojeric,een dorpje met een knusse camping. Na 50 km up and down en koude zijwind, aangekomen, maarre camping weg, pech, f...! Even geluncht met Theo die met e- bike was gestart vanuit Tilburg. Gezellig en hartelijk. De volgende camping was 49 km verder, maar int boekje geen enkele keer het woordje 'KLIM' en de wind schuin achter. Dusss...gaan met die banaan. Rond 5 uur op de rustige camping in Carrion de los Condes vriendelijk, zonnetje en Theo had brood en wijn gehaald, topper. Samen het avondmaal genuttigd. Morgen rustdag! Ik ga veel te snel. Fijne avond lieve mensen :)Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 37–39

      Day 34 to Santiago de Compostello

      Kemarin, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      And here we are... suddenly it's over. Took it slow 🐌

      Somehow just did not want to get to the end...

      Lots of emotion... from the point where you see the cathedral to when you reach it... by all people on the road... you can feel it & see it... met a young Israeli guy who walked with his horn & his friend with a Bible...Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 14

      Ohne Druck

      Kemarin, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Tag 6 VdlP
      Extremadura von der schönsten Seite. Steineichen und bald offenes Farmland. Ein Abschnitt der mir sehr gut gefallen hat.
      Bald wird in 10 Kilometer Entfernung der einzigen Ort (Fuente de Cantos) auf der Strecke am Horizont sichtbar. Der Weg taucht in der Hügellandschaft wieder ab. Wenig später geht's aufwärts weiter und der Ort für Kaffee und Tappas wird in nur 5 Kilometer Entfernung sichtbar. Zack hin und eine typische Pause steht nach 20 Kilometern auf dem Programm. Die weiteren 7,6 Kilometer vergehen im Flugmodus.
      Wetter: super, 27°, leicht bewölkt
      Wasser: 2,5 Liter + Cola + Kaffee
      Stimmung: hervorragend
      Es tut sooooooo unendlich gut ohne jeden Druck zu wandern.
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    • Hari 13

      Tag 4 Camino, alles normal?!

      Kemarin, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Heute läuft sicher alles normal oder? Naja die Ausweise haben sie im vorhergehenden Hotel nicht gefunden. Ist so…
      Also dann hier mal Frühstück und kurz nach neun geht es los. Heute stehen so Mitte 50 km auf der Uhr. Erst mal geht es etwas hoch dort gibt es einen markanten Punkt mit vielen Andenken. Dann wieder runter und immer an der Küste lang. In Baiona erst mal einen Kaffee und etwas das Fahrrad richten, denn es quietscht…

      Dann geht es weiter in Richtung Vigo und spätestens dort geht es meistens hoch. Vorher passiert es aber doch noch, Veronika stürzt im Flachen und auf gerader Strecke. Lenkertasche hat sich gelöst. Ein paar Schrammen gibt es als Andenken. Als wir denken, dass ein Großteil der Höhenmeter geschafft ist, gibt es noch mal Pause und den Rest der Tour wird überdacht. Also dann mal runter und nach kurzer Suche finden wir einen ehemaligen Bahndamm, der nun als Radstrecke ausgebaut ist. Dann eine WhatsApp Nachricht an die Vermieterin, es soll jetzt nur noch eine halbe Stunde sein. Daraus wird aber eine Dreiviertelstunde denn es geht mal wieder rauf und runter. Aber dann sind wir da, loggen uns ein und finden eine sehr schöne Ferienwohnung vor. Gut, dass wir unterwegs noch etwas Sangria und Wein gekauft haben. Jetzt können wir relaxen und die Wäsche in die Waschmaschine stecken. Nachher werden wir uns etwas schönes zum Essen suchen. Tipps gab es von der Vermieterin ja genug.
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    • Hari 34

      Day 32 walking into Santiago!

      10 Juni, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      So we left our Albergue Espiritu Xacebeo early this morning for our final walk, the sky was blue and the sun was out but there was a chill in the air and windy at times!
      We initially walked through forest tracks and uphill to walk around the airport. It was a strange and elated feeling to be walking for the last day on the Camino. There were groups of youngster walking who were fairly vocal singing and enjoying themselves. In fact the way in was fairly green and did switch to country lanes, and then turned more urban for the last 7Km or so. There was lovely viewing point on the way in and you can just make out the twin towers of Santiago cathedral.
      It was strange to finally arrive here and we did have little trouble locating the front of the cathedral (?!) and the pilgrims office. Of course we located them and proudly obtained our Compostela! The square in front of the cathedral was full of celebrating pilgrims and quite a festive atmosphere 😊
      David arrived safely and we had lovely meal the three of us together. We have day trip tomorrow to the coast or end of the world Finistere, then David and I bus down to Porto Wednesday morning and then into Lisbon to meet old school friends on Friday for some proper R and R!
      Big thank you for all your likes, comments, support and following me for last month or so - truly appreciated 😘😘😘
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    • Hari 13


      10 Juni, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Tag 5 VdlP
      Ein Wandertag mit hoher Regenwahrscheinlichkeit bedeutet was in Spanien? Regen wie zu Hause? Oder ...? Es kommt wie es kommen mußte. Kein Regen, nicht ein Tröpfchen tröpfelte nieder. Auch gut.
      Recht bald nach El Real de la Jara, auf dem Weg nach Monesterio verlasse ich Andalusien, überschreite die Provinzgrenze und bin in Extremadura.
      Zunächst einige Kilometer an unzähligen Korkeichen vorbei, später öffnet sich das Farmland und bietet schöne Ausblicke.
      Das "Ufo" (so wird eine modern Kapelle im Volksmund genannt) steht seelenruhig neben dem Weg.
      An einer Raststätte gibt's ne kleine Stärkung bevor es zwischen Landstraße und Autobahn weiter nach Norden geht.
      In der angestrebten Pilgerherberge werde ich mit den Worten empfangen, "... sorry, we are closed today ...".
      Mit einem Übernachtungshinweis und guten Wünschen werde ich weitergeschickt.
      Verbrauch: Wasser 1,5 Liter + Cola + Café con Leche
      Wetter: kein Regen, 21°
      Essen: An jeder Ecke gibt's zartes Schweinefleisch in verschiedenen Variationen. Schon am Ortsanfang werden alle mit einem verrosteten Blechschinken begrüßt.
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    • Hari 13


      7 Juni, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Pontevedra got very busy the later it got... After 22h it got even busier with kids running around and people (lots of pilgrims) having fun.
      I had earlier a salad and it was very tasty with tuna pieces and potatoes. I needed more energy so I got a "gofre" (like a waffle but more doughy) with ice cream.
      Clearly I was tired! I left early the next day.
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    • Hari 50–51

      Day 50 - Getaria to Deba

      10 Juni, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We left Getaria on a cup of coffee and a banana as we had decided to breakfast in Zumaia, the home town of Eider our host in Orio. Zumaia was just over an hour on our walk today. Leaving Getaria we hit a number of uphill climbs as we went over the headland. The weather was brighter with a blue sky, occasional sunny intervals and fluffy white clouds.
      After Zumaia we had decided to leave the official Camino route to do the coastal walk which was a little longer and contained more challenging ascents and descents.
      The views were magical and spectacular.
      On one particular challenging ascent we came across the school party of over 100 teenagers coming down as we attempted to go up. We had some amusing interactions with the young people.
      We continued along the route through forest tracks, up mountain tracks, down Roman razor roads, fenced in styles (interesting manoeuvres in rucksacks).
      Eventually arriving at the top of Deba town. Simon announced there were many sets of stairs to descend much to Mary’s horror - then we spotted the magic lifts that kindly dropped you down into town.
      We stopped at a bar for a couple of drinks to plan next steps. Our accommodation for the evening had a shared kitchen so we planned a supermarket trip for Simon’s potato supper.
      After this we followed the sat nav to find the path to our accommodation. The path was steep but after 50 metres or so Trevor kept telling us to return to the route. This was the start of our nightmare scene.
      We decided to try the tourist information office for help - ha ha!!
      We asked them about the location of our accommodation and they said oh dear that is a different place. We asked for help to get a taxi there - all they did was give us a list of numbers that were no use, next suggestion was a bus - next one leaving in 1 minute, after that not one for 2 hours!! Then maybe you walk - but no help with where the magic path was. They were not helpful at all 🙄
      We attempted the bus unsuccessfully, then negotiated the map they had given us to find the road. We headed for this and had to set the sat nav as though we were a car. The road was an insane gradient going up, just to finish us off with our shopping as well as our rucksacks. A taxi came by with a green light on Mary hailed it and said where we needed to go, the driver indicated he had heard of us at the tourist office we hopefully agreed, however he said he didn’t understand and drove off 😡
      We continued our torturous journey, the Plodicus said we should have slept at the train station (which we had passed 3 times and need to go back to tomorrow)
      As I walked behind I could see he was developing a slanted shoulder- due to carrying the shopping-
      After another half hour of lung busting uphill a winged chariot arrived, stopped and a lady said ‘where are you going’ Mary said the name of our accommodation and she said ‘that is my home!’ ‘ would you like a lift?’
      She saved the day Simon reckons she had gold wings and a halo 😇
      She listened to what had happened and said she would show us the quick path way back.
      We arrived to a very beautiful setting overlooking the town and the bay. It is a shame there is no signpost in the town to the magic path!!!
      We attempted to come to terms with what had happened, cooked our potato supper and sat outside looking at the beautiful vista, calming down. According to Mary’s apple information we have climbed the equivalent of 255 flights of stairs today!! And that is why we are in heaven now 😂
      So it’s time to get some rest as we train it to Bilbao tomorrow- after descending the magic path of course!!
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    • Hari 20

      Long straight path

      10 Juni, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      We woke up today to 12c and a biting cold wind. Just as well as the sun was out again and most of the 23km was in full sun along a very straight roman road, raised up between crops of mostly wheat.
      The highlight of the morning was the food truck after 2 hours walking, where we had a really ni e breakfast. Nowhere to pee for the next 7km though as there were lots of walkers and no way of getting
      down from the roman road! I distracted myself taking g photos of fennel and the Picos de Europa mountains in the distance.
      The last section was a bit less flat, we saw a linet and a cat marched past carrying a dead mouse and looking very pleased with itself.
      It was a relief to arrive as .y feet are feeling very pounded, for want of a better word, after about 15km each day.
      The hostel is in the second semi abandoned village of the day, and is very nice. I spent the afternoon drawing.
      Early start for a long day tomorrow so early night, as I didn't sleep well last night.
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    Kingdom of Spain, Spanien, Spanish State, ስፔን, 스페인, ܐܣܦܢܝܐ, สเปน, スペイン, 에스파냐, ສະເປນ, እስፓንያ, ସ୍ପେନ୍, អេស្ប៉ាញ, ประเทศสเปน, An Spáinn, An Spàinn, Caxtillan, Esipaɲi, Esipanye, Espaañ, Espagne, Èspagne, Espaina, Espainia, España, Espangne, Espanha, Espania, Espanja, Espánjja, Espanya, Espânye, Espay, Estado Español, Hesperia, Hisipaniya, Hispaania, Hispania, Hispanio, Hispanujo, Hiszpania, Isbeyn, Ispagna, i-Spain, Ispaña, Ispanija, İspaniya, İspanya, Ispuanii, la Madre Patria, La pell de brau, La piel de toro, Nsipani, Orílẹ́ède Sipani, Pain, Paniora, Pāniora, Regne d'Espanya, Reino de España, sangue, Sbaen, Sepania, Sepanyol, Sepeni, Sipeini, Sipen, Sipeyini, Spagn, Spagna, Spagne, Spain, Španělsko, Spania, Spánia, Spania nutome, Španielsko, Španija, Spānija, Španiska, Spanja, Spanje, Spanjë, Španjolska, Spánn, Spanya, Spanyän, Spanyol, Spanyolország, Spayn, Spen, Spēna, Spéonland, Spēonland, Spuenien, Szpańskô, Tây Ban Nha, Uhispania, Yn Spaainey, أسبانيا, إسبانيا, اسبانيا, اسپانیا, اسپین, ہسپانیہ, سپین, هسپانیه, ئیسپانیا, ئىسپانىيە, ספרד, שפאניע, Ισπανία, Гішпанія, Испани, Испания, Испониё, Іспанія, Шпанија, སི་པན།, སིཔཱེན, སིཔཱེན་, Իսպանիա, ესპანეთი, स्पेन, સ્પેઇન, સ્પેન, స్పేన్, ಸ್ಪೈನ್, ஸ்பெயின், സ്പെയിന്‍, স্পেন, စပိန်, ස්පාඤ්ඤය, 西班牙

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