Travelling SouthEast Asia

März - Juni 2024
~3 Months across SouthEast Asia, with Jods. Weiterlesen
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  • Tag 74–76

    2 Nights at Lake Kawaguchiko (Fuji)

    29. Mai in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Ahort penguin today! Had a bunch of photos of Mt Fuji so uploading them all here.

    After Kyoto, we got the bullet train up to Lake Kawaguchiko where we have just spent the last 2 days.

    This town is part of the five lakes surrounding Mt Fuji which means some amazing views of the mountain. We didn't get perfect weather so it was never really completely clear of clouds but I did manage to get some nice blips. There are certain streets in the town where Fuji towers over you, was quite surreal and the pictures don't really do it justice to show how big it looked.

    The morning after we arrived I went on a long run around the lake, one of the most scenic runs I've been on. Then we did a load of walking, hit one of my highest ever step counts of 38k! The day after we hired bikes and cycled to some nearby areas, was really nice although tough up the hills! At one point we accidentally stumbled into a 2km downhill tunnel on the bikes which was actually really fun.

    Have uploaded a few of my favourite pics I got of Fuji and the lake. We are in Tokyo now! Just arrived a couple of hours ago.

  • Tag 68

    Kyoto, Japan

    23. Mai in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Continued from previous post.

    Forgot to mention we also did a pottery class in Kyoto where we made mugs, then paid for them to be hardened in the oven and painted and sent to Scotland. They will arrive at Jodie's house in ~ 10 weeks.

    Too many photos of Kyoto to fit into one post but have picked some of my favourite.

  • Tag 66–69

    Osaka and Nara, Japan

    21. Mai in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    We have been in Japan for the past week! I've been loving this country so far, such a change from the chaos of southeast Asia but so many things here that just make more sense than any other country I've been to. Everything is so well organised and clean here as well which is so nice.

    We flew into Osaka and spent a few days there in a mini apartment, went to Osaka castle which was really nice and wandered along some of the recommended neighbourhoods. Really love japanese street styles, mix of traditional and modern which I think looks really good. Also so many food options everywhere, we had Okonomiyaki and some fluffy pancakes, amongst many other new dishes. The food in general has been amazing here, although Jodie has sometimes struggled a bit as lots of things seems to contain meat or fish, even if you wouldnt expect them to. Also stumbled upon the crazy lights of the canal one night, was amazing to experience the bright lights of Japan, I'm sure we will get much more of that in Tokyo. It felt different than any country I've ever been to.

    We also did a day trip to Nara whilst in Osaka. Was cool to feed the dear and walk through the forest/park. The deer kept trying to eat the pocket of my shorts and jodie's shirt!

    After Osaka we headed to Kyoto and have been spent the last 4 days here. I'm a big fan of Kyoto, really love traditional Japanese architecture and easy access nature. Great city to walk around in. There are loads of temples to explore which has been fun, although my one complaint is how busy with tourists it is compared to Osaka. Although guess that's to be expected.

    We went to the bamboo forest which was like being in an anime. Very cool. One night, we went to a hidden jazz bar which was tucked away on the 4th floor of a building in downtown kyoto, overlooking the river. We were the only ones there besides the very suave Japanese barman who recommended some nice Japanese whiskey for me and a coffee liquor for Jodie. Was a really cool experience to watch the precision of him pouring the drink and making the ice ball. Was like a private bar just for us!

    Another day in Kyoto we decided to rent bicycles for the day and cycle around instead of walk, Kyoto is pretty flat so this was a good idea and one of my favourite days there. Was only £6 each for the whole day on the bike which is pretty good compared to the costs here (which have been significantly higher than SouthEast Asia... the budget is struggling).

    Kyoto has also been amazing for food and shopping in general (got myself another cane, we have had to queue a bit for a couple of spots but worth it for some of the best ramen and gyozas I've ever had.

    We've been fairly lucky with the weather so far although today it has started to rain heavily and the forecast isn't looking good for the next few days. We are currently on a bullet train (anorher first!) to Kawaguchiko which is a town next to Mt. Fuji. Hoping we can catch a glimpse of it but not holding out hope if the weather stays as it is.

    I will make two penguins as too many photos to fit into just one! They only let me do 10 photos now. Pictures on this one will be for Osaka and Nara, other one will be for Kyoto.

  • Tag 59–64

    Cat Ba, Vietnam

    14. Mai in Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    After finishing the Ha Giang Loop, we headed back down to Hanoi (on a slightly less VIP experience) and then to the island Cat Ba which is the largest island of Halong Bay (UNESCO site).

    I had been to this island before briefly, but Jodie had her sights set on trying some deep water solo rock climbing which is something I didn't even know existed last time I was here. It is essentially climbing up cliffs that are coming out of the water, meaning you can climb without equipment and if you fall you won't injure yourself (badly) as there is water to break your fall. When you reach the top of your climb, ypu jump into the water.

    Our fist evening there we were exploring the island and happened to bump into two climbing traveller instagramers that jodie follows in a climbing shop. We took this as a sign and opted to go for this company to do our climbing experience with.

    The next day we took the morning to hire motorbikes and explore the island a bit more, visited the national park and a really big cave. Then in the afternoon we had our climbing. We (only three of us, essentially a private tour) were taken on a boat out to a nearby cliff in a mini island in Halong Bay, surrounded by loads of smaller islands and limestone cliffs. Weather was pretty much ideal, clear skies and sunny but not too boiling hot. Our guide was a crazy climber named 'Hai' who had only been a guide for a year and had been a barman before that.

    The boat drove to the bottom of the cliff (you go straight from the boat onto the cliff and then the boat drives away) and we all got straight to climbing the first route without any briefing at all! Luckily we have both done quite a bit of bouldering so knew what to do for the most part.. Hai also had a laser pointer to help us with where to go if needed.

    We would all take turns climbing. Very surreal experience climbing high without any equipment. Even though the water is there, it still is scary looking down at the cliff, and I'm not usually scared of heights. The highest I climbed was around 12 or 13m (the max height of an Olympic diving board is 10m). Jumping from this distance hurt a lot.. He told us to land like a pencil at the last minute, but after I jumped that went out the window and I forgot everything he said and landed with my hands flailing and chest tilted towards the water. Still have a bruise on my chest and the underside of my chin hurt for a few days after that.

    The climbing itself was also quite challenging, lots of times where I would struggle to find a foothold or handhold and the rocks were sharp so got lots of little cuts and grazes everywhere. After about 5 or 6 climbs each, we relaxed and swam in the ocean whilst the sun was going down. Amazing scenery everywhere.

    This day was probably the highlight of the trip so far, one of my favourite experiences.

    The following days weren't so nice as I got food poisoning not long after this, so basically was recovering and not doing much for 2 or 3 days. Tried to take the medicine I brought but it wouldn't stay down long (nothing would..), thankfully I have fully recovered now.and am eating and drinking normally.

    Next stop - Osaka 🇯🇵

  • Tag 54–58

    Ha Giang Loop, Vietnam

    9. Mai in Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    We travelled from Indonesia straight over to Vietnam for the next leg of our travels. I have already been here ~5 years ago however it's all new to Jodie.

    We started in Hanoi which is the main city in the North, really cool place with lots of French colonial influence. Interesting to see very European style houses and architecture in SouthEast Asia. We spent a couple of days here and then headed north with a friend we met to do the Ha Giang Loop. The 8 hour journey to Ha Giang was luckily actually quite comfortable in our 'VIP' sleeper bus, you get your own private pod with a bed, charging station, reading light and private shutter all for £10. I have been taken motion sickness patches (all natural) which seem to be working really well. We didn't arrive to Ha Giang until 4am and then had a 8am start in the morning.

    I had already done the loop before but it was interesting to see how much more popular it had become since my last time. Way more organised tours and far less tourists actually driving their own bike, most go on the back of one of the vietnamese tour guides. I'd read online that joining on to a big group can be annoyingly slow as you need to wait for everyone to take pictures along the way. So we (me, jodie and new american friend) got a private guide to take us round the loop but I was driving with Jodie on the back. We went for the 3 day option. Last time I did it, we had no guide at all and just drove ourselves no problem, it's become trickier to do this though as it's now more popular which means more police checks for drivers without the proper international biking license (which I don't have). We ended up having to pay a £30 'fine' (bribe) between us but only had to do this once. Our guide managed to get the bribe amount down for us.

    Loop itself was amazing, just as good as I remembered. Some of the roads are a bit windy but really fun to drive! The weather on day 1 was a bit rainy (hence the luminous green power ranger jacket) but this did mean lots of low clouds rolling over the hills which added a nice atmosphere. Days 2 and 3 we had nice sunny weather and some amazing views. After each day of driving we stopped at homestays and enjoyed dinner and rice wine (called happy water by the locals) with other loopers and vietnamese guides.

    Currently we are in Cat Ba and resting as I've finally managed to catch food poisoning, but I'll make a separate post on Cat Ba and what we've been up to for the past few days.

  • Tag 45–51

    Nusa Lombongan/Penida

    30. April in Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    After Lombok, we were deciding between going to Komodo islands or going to the Nusa islands near Bali. The 4 day Komodo island boat tour looked really nice, but it's really expensive, and we'd also have to pay for transport back to mainland bali to catch our next flight to Vietnam. So we decided to go to Nusa Lombongan for 3 nights and then Nusa Penida for another 3 nights.

    Nusa Lombongan is the smaller of the two, which was nice as it means that driving anywhere is quick. There's loads of cool spots to explore on the island and a really good variety of food options in a small area. Prices are a bit higher than mainland Bali but still relatively cheap. We went on a snorkelling tour a few days ago which was amazing, easily the best snorkeling I've ever done (although I've not done much). Saw thousands of fish and really colourful coral in crystal clear blue water. We moved spots a couple of times and ended up at Manta Point, where you can free dive and swim with the Manta Rays. We saw three or four and they were absolutely massive, way bigger than I expected. They have a wingspan of up to 7 metres which is crazy, they are like dinosaurs. I was swimming down underwater and swimming alongside them. Very majestic animals and completely harmless. Was a really good experience and makes me want to do more snorkeling and try diving!

    We also went to a temple within a huge cave in a mountain where we watched the ceremony and were then blessed by the priest which involved drinking holy water and having rice put on our head. We were the only westerners who were blessed!

    We spent the rest of our time exploring the island on our scooter, loads of amazing beaches and limestone cliffs. Some really nice sunsets too! We were staying in a very sociable hostel so was nice meeting some new people (including a 62 year old american solo travelling woman who quit her job from microsoft to travel). I can only upload 10 photos now which isn't enough to show everything but have uploaded some of the best!

    Indoensia is my favourite country so far, amazing nature from beaches to mountains, great weather (although sometimes too hot), cheap and tasty food. Only part I wasn't a fan of was the very frequent mosque chanting/signing, which is blasted on big speakers at various points of the day for 30 minutes or more at time. However this was only an issue on Lombok since that is a predominantly Muslim island, whereas Bali and surroudning islands are predominantly Hindi.

    We have watched epsidoe one of race across the world so far in Japan, looking forward to seeing what they make of Indonesia!

  • Tag 38–43

    Lombok, Indonesia

    23. April in Indonesien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    After over a week in Ubud (Bali), Jodie and I made our way down south to a coastal town in Bali called 'Canggu' to meet Ali who is moving to that area to be a digital nomad and travel around for around a year.

    This was a slight diversion from our original plans of going to East Java (an island west of Bali) as our night bus was delayed 8 hours so we decided not to get on it.

    We spent a couple of days exploring Canggu (lots of beaches, bars and good food! although lot of westerners there as well) and then made our way to Lombok which is an island to the east of Bali. It is the island that the rave across the world series is going to finish on! After a day on Lombok, we signed up to climb Mt Rinjani through our hostel which is an active volcano in the centre of Lombok island. It is the second highest peak in Indonesia, at ~3700m. Higher than all of the 'three peaks' in UK combined.

    We opted for the two day option which meant hiking up to camp on day 1 which took about 6 hours with breaks and then hiking to the summit (about 3 hours from camp) and then all the way down to the bottom (another ~8 hours total) in day 2. Day 1 was difficult but the day 2 summit climb was easily the hardest part. After a 'sleep' (none of us slept at all, ground was way too hard) in a tent at camp we got up at 1.30am to start hiking to the summit in the dark. The last section was very steep and the ground you are hiking on is a mixture of sand and volcanic ash, which means you sink in about 15cm with every step and constantly slide backwards at the really steep parts. Was a lot of pushing through pain but we all managed to summit in time for the sunrise which meant some amazing views, some of the best I've seen. Well worth the tough hike in my eyes. We stayed at the summit for about an hour as it was freezing cold and then started the long hike to the bottom. The way down meant basically sliding/skiing down the ash a lot of the way, we all had some falls and sore knees. My shoes also took a beating and I had to drain them of volcanic ash and stones.

    We hiked with a group of about 15 people although the organisation of the tour wasn't great so we were without a guide for most of it and hiking alone in smaller sub groups depending on speed. There were also other groups climbing at the same time and loads of indonesian porters and guides climbing as well. The porters hiked all the way up to base camp (not summit) in flip flops whilst balancing a super heavy stick on their shoulder which had everyone's water, tents, sleeping bags etc. attached to each end. They were also somehow faster than most of us hiking, really don't know how they keep upright at the steep gravelly sections. You can kind of see them in one of the pics I uploaded if you zoom in (pic in the grassy section with all the people).

    A lot of people didn't make it to summit, either turned back to camp or didn't attempt it at all.

    We finished the hike a couple of days ago and have been recovering and relaxing since then. Ali went back to Canggu, Jodie and I have stayed on Lombok and were currently staying in a fancy hotel (for £23 a night) to treat ourselves.

    I think we still want to go to East Java and do some volcano hikes there, although we need a bit of a break from hiking first! Also don't think we're going to do both Bromo and Ijen (volcanos in Java) as originally planned. Maybe just Bromo. Ijen had an accident the other day with a tourist so think we will skip it as part of it has been closed.

    We also want to do Komod islands so trying to work out a cheap way to get there.

  • Tag 29–34

    Ubud, Bali

    14. April in Indonesien ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    After Jodie and I met up in Kuala Lumpur, we spent a few days in the city whilst Jodie recovered from her virus. We didn't do a huge amount, just explored more of KL. We were meant to go to North Malaysia to a jungle area however since the day we wanted to go coincided with the end of eid, the bus station was completely packed of people going back home. This meant we missee our bus north and sadly couldnt get a refund on all the travel/accomodation arrangements we had made. This meant sone more time in KL which we tried ti make the most of! Went bouldering, lots of great food ad I also took the down time to sit one of my exams (passed it!). I also decided to buzz my hair off! Jodie recovered fully in KL and is now doing well.

    After KL, our next stop was Bali, Indonesia which is where we are currently. We have been staying in Ubud which is where Jodie did her Yoga Teacher Training. Amazing place with lots of lush green nature everywhere and super cheap tasty food. Very easy to get a full meal here for ~£1.50. The people here are also very smiley and friendly!

    The day after we arrived, we were up at 1.30am to go on a sunrise hike of Mt Batur, an active volcano in Ubud. The hike itself wasn't too hard but was in the dark so had to use torches and be careful where we stepped. Took around 2 hours to get up and we did it with a big group of people as well as a guide. At the top, there are some great views of Ubud and surrounding volcanoes. Sadly when we got to the top eome clouds came just as the sunrise was starting so we missed pretty much all of it! Apparently it's quite common for this to happen. After the clouds cleared, the sun had already risen but still some really nice views (see pics).

    Next day we spent relaxing in an outdoor luxury gym/pool/sauna complex which had loads of facilities and really good food. Nice way to unwind after Batur hike. Also did a breathwork class which was very intense, I was especially surprised at the physical affects. I couldn't move my arms at all for a while as my hands were cramping so much from the increased oxygen flow. Was told this was normal however. Was a really good experience.

    Then we did some waterfall chasing and tea/coffee tasting. There is a coffee plantation where you can get 15 small cups of various flavours of tea/coffee as well as two large cups of Luwak coffee (apparently the best coffee in the world, the bean is eaten by a Luwak and then pooped out to make the coffee...) all for £5 (for both of us)! We sampled all the flavours and learned about all the health benefits which was really interesting. My favourite flavours were vanilla coffee and the 1st tea we tried (forgot the fruit name as I type this but you can see it in the pic of all the flavours, it's number 1). We bought some more of both of these to take home.

    We have one more day in Ubud and then catching a 10 hour bus to East Java to do two more volcano hikes.

    Really loving Ubud and Indonesia so far!

  • Tag 21–24

    Georgetown, Penang Island

    6. April in Malaysia ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Spent a few days north of Kuala Lumpur in an island called Penang. The island is quite large and is split into jungle/forest to the west and a city called Georgetown to the east.

    I spent 3 days here but it was one of my favourite places I've been to so far. It is a small city which is well developed but also still has a grungy and bohemian feel to it. It is full of street art and some really nice old buildings, there is also loads of great bars and the food was amamzing and cheap! Was a nice change after Kuala Lumpur which is a modern and cool city with great food but maybe felt a bit lacking in grunge/character/life sometimes. I prefer Georgetown.

    I spent one of the days there hiking up Penang Hill which is a group of peaks on the west of the island. There is an option to take a funicular but I oped to hike it instead, was quite challenging as there were hundreds of steps to get through and then a hike through a jungle, all in 30+ degrees. You can see in one of the pictures how sweaty I was at the top... Views at the top were worth it though. Then another day I went to Penang national park to do another jungle hike and see some beaches. driving on the roads leading to here was maybe my favourite part! Really nice and smooth along the coast with sea views all the way.

    Jodie caught a virus whilst working
    on the island in Cambodia so has had to leave the island early to get checked out at the hospital on the mainland to make sure it wasn't malaria or dengue. Luckily it wasn't but she has been really ill for the past few days and has only now started to recover. She has managed to make it to Malaysia now and I'm also now back in KL so we will see each other in the next couple of hours once she is awake. We will spend a few days in Malaysia just taking it easy whilst she recovers fully and then off to Indonesia!

  • Tag 16–18

    Meandering in Malaysia

    1. April in Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

    Spent the last couple of days exploring Kuala Lumpur whilst Jodie finishes off her yoga teaching in Koh Ta Kiev.

    I needed some stable internet (and air con!) to sit my microsoft exams + flights in and out of KL are super cheap so figured it was the best option.

    The city is very modern and well connected with transport, doesn't feel like the rest of southeat asia with the exception of Singapore. Temperature is about ~35 here during the day and humid, although feels a lot cooler than cambodia (maybe I am just used to the heat now?). During the day there are occasional thunderstorms with rain which can be a nice break from the sun. There is also good air con in pretty much all buildings which is nice.

    Transport and food here are very cheap, even arguably cheaper than Cambodia in some places which is strange considering the difference in living standards. Most intercity trams/metro/monorail journeys are less than 30p and you can quite easily get a full big lunch or dinner for £5 or less.

    Spent 2 days solo travelling around the city + visiting some nearby sites and getting some revision done as well. I have had a pretty bad cold the past couple of days (since arriving) so haven't been feeling the best but have tried to power through.

    Jodie joins me after finishing her yoga, likely in Indonesia but yet to be decided.