Travels On Viking Sun

марта - мая 2019
We set sail from Sydney ,several Ports, from Tasmania,across the bottom of Australia to Perth,across to Mauritius , down the coast to South Africa,around the Cape, onward to,Namibia,Senegal, Spain and Greenwich UK. New, wonderful places to discover. Читать далее
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  • Setting Up

    27 января 2019 г., Новая Зеландия ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    After exploring a different avenue for my new BLOG, I have decided to come back to this ,which has ease of making the book at the end ,and was easy to use last time. Six weeks until we sail from Sydney to Greenwich in the UK, via South Africa on Viking Sun, Viking Ocean is new to us,but has many good features, a new ship launched in 2017,no casino ,no children, no "Dress" up occasions,and many other attributes.Exciting times ahead, it has been a mission with a very complicated Visa for South Africa, newish for New Zealanders,but seems to be all in place now. Hope for smooth sailing in the lead up to our departure.
    Enjoy the Journey...
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  • День 2

    The Journey Begins,from Sydney.

    17 марта 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    On Board Viking Sun…

    Well here we are, after what seems like a traumatic exit, which I will not dwell on, far too many thoughts of varying emotions, except to say ,shining through are examples of, “We shall not be defined, by Evil”, and the World is with us in portraying simply that. Meeting others with views of so similar, all along the way ,from the Bangladesh Driver who met us, in his robes, to people of note who are here. Trying now to feel grateful for being here ,and all it involves..!
    Cetrece came for us on Saturday, which was great ,and we had time for a nice lunch..we are such EARLY birds…time to sit outside at the Airport ,which was packed to the gunnels anyway, on a sparkling day..The thing that stood out was nobody smiled, not at all ,in the crowds, a sober feeling for sure..
    Beautiful exit over the mountains, seldom seen free of any vestige of snow,[ we normally travel in winter..] nice until an hour out then not so, and arrival into a dull and dreary Sydney, not far to the Ship at White Bay, an awful place, on board quickly ,as all the officials had gone home ,so our formalities took place, a quick glance of us and passport ,in a nice place ,on board on Sunday.
    How can I describe this new and beautiful ship ,not enough adjectives.! But full of wonderful spaces, with comfy couches, beautiful art , photographs ,tapestry, and artefacts. Books of all kinds, grouped in many places, the Explorers Lounge ,two levels, is a favourite already, glass everywhere, even the curved stairs to the upper level .The books here, a collection of so much Natural History ,are nothing short of amazing ,cushions ,reindeer skins ,and throws. These spaces called Living Rooms ,which is how it is, they practice the art of Hygge ,which you can look up, if unsure, it is of Scandinavian countries, a wonderful thing, and it shows in the peace and tranquillity that is felt all around..
    Our cabin is spacious, has an amazing bathroom ,full sized shower etc. The crew are very multi cultural ,and many of them..The food is overwhelming, not in quantity ,that is carefully managed, but the quality and variety is not like any other cruise we have seen .This line is one Families dream, and operation, so we have Mamsens, named for Grandma, and various members of this Family ,continue, their food favourites ,and ideas, so its very different.
    Yesterday it rained, deluges all day, disappointing for those on board this world cruise, who began in Miami in January, as this was the pattern since their arrival on Thursday, such a shame for a beautiful Harbour and City, BUT…as we let our lines go, it cleared, and so the Sail Away, under the Bridge,, and past the Opera House, and on past the Bays was clear, with even a little patch of blue…Right past the Bridge our ship did a complete 360o turn, leaving the busy ferries and various tour operations irate…apparently, but it was spectacular and more so from land I guess…
    I met a special woman, Charlotte Smith who is a lecturer on board for this sector, an American, lived in the Blue Mountains for 20 years, an Author, and has the largest collection of Vintage clothing in Australasia, calls herself an anthropologist of clothing.. Wise and lovely, she had attended the launch of a new designer an Afghani , Muslim girl ,yesterday , showed me the pictures of stunning clothes, she had bought some, and will wear them ,here, so passionate about multi culture design etc. Never been on a ship, petrified of water, but last night in the bumpy ride, she braved the stage, and spoke briefly.. Enriching to say the least…
    I am liking our Captain, he appears to be a sunny natured, very experienced ,Norwegian man ,which is always good, men of the sea from childhood..
    We attended, the introduction of all the officers and a nice show of the Viking performers, which impressed us ,last night.
    Windy leaving the Heads, we sail well, and this has continued through the night, today Gale Easterlies, uncommon, but is fine .
    A cooking demonstration this morning, a French Chef on board briefly, in The Chefs Table, a speciality restaurant. He is Sydney based, made slightly ridiculous things with lots of FOAM, and a beetroot dish, he had cooked the beetroot encased in egg white, for two hours…!! All very interesting, though ,along with a Granita, with more foam, Pink Grapefruit juice and Gin, not for the home kitchen, he had sooo many helpers, a few little hiccoughs as well, cooking under bright lights brings the unforeseen. I thought of Joan and I ,years ago, quickly learning that complicated is not the way to go.
    Many lectures of interest throughout the day, and getting to know our ship and passengers. Casual dress is the trend, and some have brought the gardening clothes, many US people ,as there are 460 on the World Journey ,will be Australians too, we have not seen so many yet. Hobart tomorrow and our journey begins ,Love from us ,Faye and Sam
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  • День 4

    Hobart ,Tasmania

    19 марта 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Hobart ,Tasmania.

    We came into Hobart at sunrise ,up the Derwent River, with the rising sun shining on the organ pipes of Mt Wellington. Berthed very close to the city, at the Logging part, which in its self was something, the logs here stacked to precision ,quite amazing , later we saw the operator of a large vehicle ,with a big log attached ,battering them into line.!
    We have visited Hobart a time ago, it’s a lovely, ocean side, city ,seafood outlets abound ,many boats moored, interesting statues. Huge English trees ,hints of autumn. The old wharf side warehouses have been beautifully converted into apartments , and the old sandstone buildings of the 1800’s stand strong. A mellow day, soft skies, and much to like.. On a whim we took a trip to the top of Mt Wellington, at 4000+ feet ,and what a revelation that was.! Just 5 of us with a very nice driver, Dutch by origin ,but really Australian ,informative and bright.
    The mountain is quite unique, huge straight gums, in the beginning, hundreds of years old ,a narrow road built by hand in the 1800’s most likely by convicts .Rocks of amazing kinds, changing as we climbed higher, covered in lots of pretty and different lichen’s ,which look like the Aboriginal paintings ,and will be related .Whole slopes on the tops, of round boulders tumbling down. At the very summit, where there is snow often in winter, quite a surprise to see ,many ,many kinds of hebe’s and other plants, flowering and flourishing, some in tiny crevices .There are 500 plant species here on this mountain.The pinkish rock up here, in pinnacles, as left by their volcanic action of thousands of years ago, boardwalks and path’s to see it all, it was simply great. Cloud soon rolled in, but from just a little further down we were able to see the views. There grew banksia’s prolific, in pretty colours, all about, with tiny honey eaters darting in and out…So much that was new, lovely and unexpected.
    Coming down back into the city which is smallish, just 220,0000, were the old grand homes from the 1800’s that housed the Commandants of the Convicts ,wrought iron and nicely kept today.
    Later we walked some distance around the harbour to Salamanca ,galleries and markets, not operating as a complete market , except on Saturday..but a fruit and Veg one, had tomatoes for $9.20 a KG, cheapest at $5.20, quite a shock…,amongst other interesting stuff of course..Nice Parks and gardens, along the way. We enjoyed a good walk in the warm sun ,and made our way back to our ship. We sailed at sunset, this is a city where almost everyone has a sea view, from many hills that surround ,they are close to the bush, a danger ,as forest fires are still burning all this time later .We enjoyed Tasmania just as much as years ago, a fairly close destination with very varied scenery ,history, and animals. The Americans here, enthralled with the Tasmanian devils and all they saw . Touched, a Wombat ,and many Kangaroos at a Sanctuary. 46% of Tasmania is National Park.
    We have discovered more lovely places on board, so tastefully arranged, and today enjoyed the 7 hole putting green, with comfortable seating, divided by nice artificial hedging of marcracapra…like foliage.! Warm out today, 26o..
    Great sadness though ,as our Dear Grand Cat, Christian’s big beautiful James, has passed away ,in the bigger picture of things may not seem a loss, but he was his Family ,and we all know how that feels…
    Tonight we have Captains cocktails, not fussed, but Sam thinks go, we are meeting very nice people along the way, we are sort of a Family really. [This was 40+ people who are going to London, minus the World cruisers ,who number 463,so kindred spirits and did meet some very nice people…]
    Hope Mum is enjoying snippets of this ,and that you are all okay.
    Love from us, Faye and Sam.
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  • День 5


    20 марта 2019 г. ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Geelong, Victoria.

    Today the sea side city of Geelong ,on the Barwon River in Corio Bay ,some distance from Melbourne ,perhaps 45 mins on a good day..a tender Port.[Our lifeboats]which are like big speedboats on the outside..These are quite up market…on a new ship of course. Geelong prospered in the days of the Wool industry ,and now its warehouses are made into galleries, and museums. Greeted by so many volunteers ,friendly, very helpful people ,excited as we were their 3rd cruise ship this year, and they welcome that.

    We have visited in depth in the past, but still nice things undiscovered .We chose to walk, in need of a good walk, along the waterfront and beaches, a distance to the Botanical Gardens, up a considerable amount of small steps ,avenues of my favourite Pepper Trees, soft and fern like, through a very arid Park, to the Gardens , lush and green, lots of interest. Onward to the centre of the city, along the Promenade above the beach, Cockatoos and Lorikeets in the trees, we love the birds…
    Haircut for Sam, [not shorn like the Alex lot]…Postcard for Mum, no mean feat, a thing of the past it seems, but with great guidance by friendly souls ,we found some… Coffee and onward ,spent several hours, looking around, one street with the smooth barked Gums ,in the centre ,very Australia, and their eucalyptus scent fills the air..
    Back in the afternoon ,to our tranquil surroundings ,we are almost sure we have smaller numbers than there could be, so will check that later..Another good Show last night ,the Abba Songbook ,and earlier entertained with such harmony from 3 resident girls singing, at our Cocktail gathering. The resident entertainers are good quality, for sure..

    We continue to meet memorable people, and as this is my Diary I need to note them. Today Dave and Lynn from Houston ,ex Law enforcement ,prisons, air marshals, and more ,who now run a Sanctuary for miss treated and animals in need, Lynn had many pictures of those in her care, and enthralled us for some time, with their history, that of Francis Bacon, the pig who helps her carry sticks to the fire pit, and has his own cat ,who he adores and she him ,He has a dressing gown for cold nights, wears it happily. She has Horses, their stories are harrowing, but also their resurrection is amazing. They have Autistic girls to assist ,and their progress is unbelievable ,they have children visit, who learn what animals actually are…I could go on..Needed tissues, and they invited us to come and stay ,amazing people.! Consider it a calling…
    Las Vegas residents last night, Connie and Art, who commiserated with us in gun tragedy, as of course they share our horror. Then Stephen and Alwyn, from Doncaster, with their son at The Austin, a Neurologist, Stephen not liking Ocean Cruising ,but comes because wee Alwyn loves it… Wondered if their son shared the riotous Austin Xmas Parties ,where all dress up ,Cetrece.?…Some treasures on board…
    I love that you are all here, and thought this is so good, to have all my favourite people in one place , so grateful for you all. !

    Have to say, as we bought a paper today ,that Australia is with us in our tragedy, presently ,the PM threatening to banish the Turkish representative for remarks made..he has been summoned…So much in the paper ,and some wise editorials. A comfort ,if there can be that.
    We sailed away on a warm evening ,in darkness, followed by flocks of tiny gulls, laughing… as we have a Wildlife chappie on board, Robyn and Wife,[eats tiny scraps of lentil stew.]Robyn eats lots.. they scan for every living thing, outside, waving in excitement ,if they spot anything ,and noting in a book ,the most minuscule of things…dedicated, He will be flat out tonight.!
    Bye now, Love from us on Viking Sun.
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  • День 5

    Recent Pictures

    20 марта 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Some extra pictures to include from the last days.

  • День 5

    Great Australian Bight..

    20 марта 2019 г., Indian Ocean ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    We are in a distant part of the Australian Bight today, calmer, after 24 hours of a very rough ride,worst on their whole world journey, it was, just a wee bit tricky ,trying to remain in the bed.! Lots of focus on our sister ship Viking Sky, in trouble half a world away, but many known on board, to our crew especially, so we had regular updates,along the way,all safe which is the best news.
    A reminder that no matter how modern or experienced anyone is ,there is always the unforeseen. Thought of those never listening or making a joke of our safety briefing ,possibly the first to be in distress...!
    Much to do as we sail along,the craft group,a great bunch. I think cruises are quite good levelers,from whence you come. Today my especially nice companion, in a round about way, revealed her son was runner up in the Pulitzer prize in Music... This as I was helping her ,and we were laughing at ,her attempts at knitting,..There are people in high places,in every way, all thrown in together,dressed ordinarily ,and just mingle nicely,in the main. Good for us all.. All in the one to speak.!
    A few more pics I may want included in the Book at the end.
    Simply love all your comments.! Hope you went back to my saying to have all my favorite people in one place is ,simply the best. Bye now, Us.
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  • День 8

    Adelaide,South Australia

    23 марта 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Adelaide ,South Australia.
    Our sea days are full of all sorts of things ,and yesterday a very nice gathering of all types of Crafters, Quilters ,embroiders ,knitters, and more a large friendly group. The focus knitting baby hats for the Durban Hospitals ,almost 300 already made ,but on going so equipped with the “Round Needles”,and donated wool, off at a clip, some instruction, complicated ,so chose my way, and a new and good experience..Some are knitting hats for the Militarily ..U.S.. not likely thought I…! Met nice folk and look forward to the next session.
    A meeting of Bloggers ,interesting, some very complicated Bloggers, and people wanting just simple presentation, to be up and running so I am assisting a nice couple.. Later our Port talk for Adelaide , and after dinner ,the show of Katei, amazing young man with the violin ,so talented ,and later they had a special showing for the crew, in the theater, never happened before, and we were all so delighted .
    Today ,on a perfect morning ,we came into Adelaide, outer Harbour so a train journey to the city. .Walked a distance,early, along Memorial walk, beautiful trees , gardens, statues, Art Gallery , Museums ,Cathedrals, to the University, then the Botanical Gardens ,lovely, and through to the Zoo… as Zoos go, this is superb. Leafy ,huge trees ,paths through to lawns ,picnic areas . Our mission here was to see the Pandas .That we did, in abundance ,Wang Wang and Fu Ni, looking so pristine ,were such a delight. Let out for the first time for the day, and before feeding, Wang Wang wandered all around, close to us ,they are kept in a very nice tree filled, rock ledged ,enclosure ,so plenty of shade ,and places to explore which he did…Not many people, so great viewing ,thrilled to bits. Of all the places we have been, here in Adelaide so accessible , a great wish fulfilled.
    Just a detour back to the gates, and along the way, the dear wee Meercats, so close you could almost touch them, whole Family, Father on watch, tiny ones learning to stand tall ,the cutest things so an added bonus for our day.
    Out again near the trees with thousand’s of BATS,[ Sam hates them], very noisy, and hanging out for the day… I’m a little fascinated…
    Walking through the leafy University area, and back to Rundle Mall, quick lunch, then to the new Convention Centre ,where there was the Quilt display and Craft Fair, weelllll, can you imagine ,an overload of wonderment, [Sam went to the Riverside ] So much to ingest. All manner of ideas and things to buy .[I didn’t] Classes happening in all sorts of things, then the displays, one man stood out ,Danny Amazonas, who welcomed photos, most didn’t, especially the sellers .His quilts were beyond comprehension really, amazing, an Artist ,now Quilter ,simply beautiful, huge and glorious…Food for the soul.!
    Happily back on the train to the Outer Harbour, cool and very scenic through the suburbs ,the older colonial homes, of many designs, beautifully kept, and so many of them ,in the tree lined and bougainvillea filled streets, also some Jacarandas ,with their stunning blue blooms, so memories of a day in Adelaide, are filled with so many lovely things ,sometimes it all comes together, and today was one of those days. We both loved it all.
    You need to look back on this whole BLOG ,as you do not get as many notifications as you should, and I have posted twice ,sometimes with extra pictures.
    Lovely Mum is enjoying the Blog with Thelma.
    Love from us Faye and Sam.
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  • День 11

    Albany,Western Australia

    26 марта 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Albany, Western Australia.

    What a lovely place to bring us to.! After quite a few hours, of constant movement, it was nice to see land ,on a clear sunny morning ,off the Coast of WA. Surprisingly it was, quite high, rocky coastland, with a proper Mountain , and some unusual formations ,akin to the Apostles. These shelter the farmlands beyond .Reminded of the film ,The Light Between Oceans ,although most of that was NZ filmed ,the story was based here.
    Albany is a very pretty place on King George Sound, in Princess Harbour. A narrow entrance ,to a wide and lovely waterway. A Port for wheat and various grains , also silica sand. A lone piper at the rocky entrance , was a nice touch .Whaling in the past, and a Fishing Industry,but based a distance away. A Wind Farm services most of their electricity needs, great foresight in an isolated community, that they are very proud of .
    Before we went ashore we had the town dignitaries ,and a Tribal Elder from the Minang Noongar peoples ,who have inhabited the area for 25,000 years, come on board. As it is the first call of a Viking Ship, plaques and gifts were exchanged, in our Atrium, a lovely setting ,with beautiful photographs of the area ,interchanged on the huge screen above. Our Officers all in uniform ,on the stairs .Very respectful.

    Albany ,population about 33,000,is a farming area, inland, for wheat and grain ,and more ,and Tourism ,it is green ,bush covered and gets rain on quite a regular basis. Colonial buildings ,from the 1800’s ,sit on the sloping hills, mingled with the huge boulders which are a large part, of the reasonably large city. Many new ,modern homes as well, priced from $500 to $600,000 ,amazing properties, with well cared for, very nice gardens ,of natives ,and older cottage gardens, trees of all kinds ,flourishing everywhere. Wide streets ,and a really nice feel, on a warm sunny day .Good shops of all things, an especially good Book Shop, so have stocked up the Kindle, for the journey ahead , nice to be inspired.

    In a quest for the top ,a lookout ,we traversed many steps, through boulders ,and bush ,saw the Kookaburras ,Parakeets, and a few rustlings in the undergrowth, that I didn’t look at too closely.! Back through residential suburbs on the slopes below. Nice to meander about, peaceful and quiet. The Churches , many of them ,of very attractive stone. Built long ago. An excellent museum, of so much to learn. Coal was once an industry, huge crabs are here, snow crabs and a larger variety. Tiniest marsupial, the Western Pygmy Possum, some other critters , a little like rats, but much bigger, the Tasmanian Tiger roamed here as well .Introduced things like rabbits, have become a problem of course.
    Large road trains, and ordinary trains , are constantly bringing the wheat to the Port. They bypass the town.
    Albany was once destined to be the Capitol of this area , before Perth. Famous for and well remembered , in many memorials ,are the ANZAC troops that left Australia Shores, in their thousands, for Egypt and beyond in the First World War.

    The Brig Amity is a feature, it brought the first European settlers and convicts here is 1826, its replica is on the foreshore , so much to explore ,and we walked for several K’s ,not taking the shuttle, very pleasant place, that you could find a lot more to enjoy, I’m sure. Very welcoming locals , who embrace the Cruise Ship industry, and their passengers, they have about 15 a year. A very nice Part of Australia, that could warrant a return ,in depth, visit.
    Memories of the early Anna Jacobs novels, we so enjoyed.
    Bye from us in far W.A.
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  • День 13

    Freemantle and Perth

    28 марта 2019 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Fremantle and Perth.

    A lovely day, of very warm temperatures, our pool roof open to the sunshine,and many out on deck,as we sailed up the coast, past the quite large Rotnest Island.
    We arrived into Freemantle late afternoon on the 27th, for an overnight stay. This was for us, a chance to see very special friends. Shona and Maui, who grew up with Sam on Stewart Is, [for those unfamiliar,] and later living near, our children at school together .Keeping in touch ,when time allowed.
    They are our “ Forever Friends”, with whom you pick up where you left off ,no matter how long.! They came a distance from Waneroo , and went for dinner in Freemantle, talked so long, animated.. not even seeing nobody else was left in the restaurant.. they were gracious though ,not making us feel we should leave…! Later after a little tour, we realised, on drop off, no photos..So hurriedly commandeered a passing chap to take some, so quite late at night ,they are not perfect, but a lovely record of a delightful time spent ,and so grateful for our connection ,lasting many years.

    Today we were off again to a dear soul, 95 in June, Elva,[ Mother of my friend of long ago] ,who has visited us in NZ ,several times ,with her late husband. Yvonne, my friend ,had surgery, last week , and lives a distance down the Coast, didn’t come today.
    Elva lives in a beautiful part of Perth, Mt Pleasant ,beside her other daughter Helen and Family ,on the same section she has lived all her married life ,but now two newer town houses are on the block .Leafy ,wide street ,beautiful plantings and homes around . Ideal for Elva living alone, to be near assistance if required .She is tiny now and frail, but a goer, if ever there was one. Our day all planned , Helen and she ,took us to lunch at a gorgeous place on the Swan River, huge gums ,with lovely bark, beaches ,and flocks of Cockatoos. The day was sparkling and the homes on the river, stunning. So much to catch up on , just so special to be together ,and share many memories. Sad to say goodbye though.
    Helen dropped us in Fremantle ,so an explore of a small part ,some essential supplies ,before we came back to the ship. Instructed to have some extra mosquito repellent, in wrist band form, we are told is best .All equipped.!
    We leave tonight for our 8 day journey ,across the Indian Ocean ,a long way to go, to Mauritius .
    We are pleased that the reason for our Sister Ships misadventure, has been explained, a quirk of fate really, but we hope extra supplies of the required engine lubricants, are firmly aboard.!
    A new Family member at Adtrea Lane in Heathcoate, a gorgeous Kitten ,Birman /Norwegian Forest, blend... How delicious...,we hope Christian's little dogs are Jose...!
    Love to hear all your snippets ,I will post along the way ,but not so often. Love from us, Faye and Sam
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  • День 15

    Indian Ocean

    30 марта 2019 г., North Atlantic Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Indian Ocean ,Sea Days.

    Here we are sailing on a gentle breeze under blue skies ,in 29o. Perfect.!
    Our days are very full ,in fact yesterday ,hardly a moment to spare. Morning is the Craft group, where simply everything happens, a vibrant group of over 50 women, growing daily. Everything is made from small quilts, to beaded shawls, [beads knitted in I may add] hats for Africa, hats for the Troops ,lovely scarves,and at a request knitted birds nests, for a rescue centre .! We decided a step too far.! Great connections ,already with kindred souls.
    Lecture on Mauritius ,unforgettable we are told ,looks amazing. Lunch Poolside ,offering beef and lobster hamburger, looked delicious..Each day there is a different special treat, today was Bagels, of many kinds, with great selection of fillings.
    A movie of epic proportions First Man,,the story of Neil Armstrong, the astronaut[.Released last year, so you may have already seen it.] Bravery on a huge scale, so many lives lost, but they pressed on, in craft that were so small, helpful that we had visited the Space Centre in Houston, and had looked at the very things. Cumulating in the moon landing, what a gamble it was, in so many ways.The toll on his Family, the story was very thought provoking. Also remembering where I was on that day, with my little class of infants ,listening in ,at Halfmoon Bay School, long ago.
    Charlotte Smith and her lectures continue to enthral ,she is a delight ,and so much to learn ,all of it a beautiful insight to her clothing collection, incredible ,her Grandmother a Quaker.
    Entertainment is very good and varied, a New Zealander Will Martin ,listed, along we went, thinking I have heard of him…WELL, this very young looking boy, ill at ease, came out ,looking like he was going to run away ,then he sang ,he was simply amazing.! From Elton John, Billy Joel to Pop Opera, he has recorded with a European Symphony Orchestra, and had that as his background , at times, played the piano, a professional ,amazing young man ,who wasn’t really so young .A voice like no other, such talent.. He received a standing ovation.! He will do one more show in a few days, we will be waiting.
    Evening World Café ,last night was a Chinese Buffet, beyond compare , such variety ,very good, have to be controlled ,so much that is so good.!
    The Viking way will make it very hard to go to another line ,so much is perfection, they have improved on every aspect of cruising. Its is so peaceful, quiet spaces and cabins, a few rules ,which are maintained in a nice way. All to add to the enjoyment for everyone.
    Toady the bathing suits were unearthed, and out into the sunshine, beside our Aft Infinity Pool , quiet and lovely…along came an elderly Australian man, right beside us, as I enjoyed my book, peeled off the shorts to reveal his ”Budgie Smugglers”, Don’t look Ethel ..springs to mind !! ,why Oh why ,would they wear them…at any age.!!! It was funny…!
    Sam swam in the pool and enjoyed that. The sea around us ,is dark inky blue ,5000 mtrs deep, and not a thing in it, it seems, away out here, our Naturalist is despondent ,the odd mutton bird, earlier days, but now so far from land ,nothing…I think, only us…That will change of course ,as we near Islands teaming with life that is so unique.
    Today our lecture on Madagascar ,was a wonderful insight to what is ahead. Things that are nowhere else on earth..just have to be lucky enough to see them of course.
    Communication from here is not reliable ,and my emails not always received, but I will try this and see what happens. Half way today and it is passing quickly. I hope all the kindness and caring is making a difference in NZ. We love to hear from you all,Love from us, away out here, Faye and Sam
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