
september 2017
Et 23-dagers eventyr av Martin Les mer
  • 15fotspor
  • 7land
  • 23dager
  • 72bilder
  • 0videoer
  • 3,1kkilometer
  • 1,1kkilometer
  • Dag 2


    5. september 2017, Danmark ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Welcomed into the airport with a free coffee, nice first impressions of Denmark. Train into downtown Copenhagen and a walk to my hostel.
    Dumped my bag in a lock up and went straight to the hostel bar. Everyone hooked to their phones apart from one table, so went to that one and chatted with them all night. Germans, Americans, and an Aussie - all lone travellers. Everyone laughed at the Americans for Trump, then at me for Brexit ha.
    The hostel has a shared meal every night at 1830, a lovely idea to meet other people - it was Chili last night.
    Off to explore the city today.
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  • Dag 2

    Probably the best beer in the world

    5. september 2017, Danmark ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Met someone on a walking tour of Copenhagen who lives in Bristol. Small world! Going for a beer with them later.
    Covered a lot of ground today - 13km.

    Copenhagen is the home of Carlsberg and it tastes so much better here.

    Was on the end of more Brexit jokes today - so I've now decided I'm going to say I'm Irish ha. A Texan got most of the stick today from everyone.

    Danish tour guide Magnus kept saying for us to have a Hygge (pronounced 'Hoogli') time whilst in Copenhagen. Loosely translated it means 'cosy'.
    He also said there is such fierce rivalry between Sweden and Denmark that in Ikea, everything has a Swedish name, except for the toilet brush and carpet which are Danish ha.

    The most famous landmark gets a lot of stick from the locals. They all say it is shit so i had to confirm this myself. It's a little mermaid statue. And it is quite shit ha!

    Went to a good viewpoint up in a tower today, everyone was picking out lovely cathedrals and great architecture. Me? I was scouting for the Parken Stadium, home of FC København. Found it.

    Off to Hamburg tomorrow.
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Train on a ferry

    6. september 2017, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    Had breakfast at the hostel with my German friends heading for Sweden.
    Got on a train that itself got on a ferry. Still have no idea how it did that.
    Chatted with a lovely German lady on the train who wanted to practice her English.

    The German guy checking me in saw I was from Bristol and said Rovers or City. 20 minutes later we were still talking and a queue had developed behind me. Strangely he supports Berwick Rangers (the only English team to play in the Scottish leagues).

    Jumped on a couple of the commuter ferries to get a cheap tour of Hamburg from the harbour, only once I had spent 30 minutes figuring out how to use the metro to get there.

    Having a beer and some currywurst and resting my legs ready for another walking tour tomorrow.
    Les mer

  • Dag 4

    When in Hamburg...

    7. september 2017, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Eat a hambur..... oh. Tradition here is to have a fish roll down by the harbour. So that's what I did. 🐟
    Saw the sights of Hamburg today on a walking tour. Went up a massive Church tower to get a good view point. Only found out once I had got to the top that there was a lift. Wondered why no one else looked knackered. Got the lift down instead.
    The city hall had a WW2 bomb come through the roof but not explode, but was otherwise not hit during the war - while the rest of Hamburg was flattened. Mad
    Also Hamburg is apparently famous for a museum of miniature things. Checked it out. Turns out it is pretty good. Had a fully functioning miniature airport. Attention to details was mad. Also had a replica of the Hamburg stadium. Pretty sweet
    Prague tomorrow. 6h30m on the train. 🚂
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  • Dag 6

    Beer cheaper than water in Prague

    9. september 2017, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Yes really. It's £1.10 for half a litre. Safe to say I haven't really drank a lot of water so far. Arrived yesterday, dumped my bag and headed for a beer garden up in the hills overlooking Prague to meet everyone from the hostel.
    Had briefly met one person checking in so it was like looking for a needle in a haystack but found them somehow. Had a free dinner back at the hostel and then played drinking games before we headed off for a bar together.

    Today I spent the day with 2 Israelis and 2 Germans who I'd met on the walking tour and we explored Prague together. Meeting them later for a beer, and then heading for the biggest club in Central Europe. Prague is beautiful.
    Les mer

  • Dag 8

    Best hostel yet

    11. september 2017, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Yesterday I had a good wander about, sweeping up the sights I hadn't managed to see yet. It was a slower pace though thanks to a large hangover from Karlovy Lazne (the 5 floor night club) with my friends from the walking tour.
    Chose a great spot for lunch overlooking Prague away from the tourists. In the evening everyone from the hostel got together for stew and then played a drinking game called spoons 🥄- great fun. A few more beers in the old square, you can have a decent night out with about £7 worth ha. Onto Munich today via Nuremberg.
    Les mer

  • Dag 9

    Willkommen in München

    12. september 2017, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    So after a bus from Prague to Nuremberg and a delayed train (1hr) from there to Munich (I thought the Germans were efficient) I arrived at my accommodation.. The Tent, Munich. Yes it really is a tent. It's like a massive gazebo with about 200 beds in it. It's fully booked out for Oktoberfest which starts this Saturday. They only heat it over Oktoberfest though... last night was cold - I slept fully clothed.

    Apparently in leaving the door open to the tent it makes it warmer.. my arse. At reception they give you 4 blankets at check in but I got a further two because it was so Baltic.
    Anyway, I survived the first night and went to explore Munich by foot. I met a Scottish chap on the walking tour and after having seen all the sights, we took refuge from the rain in the Hoffbrauhaus, Munich. It was packed at 1pm.
    We had a couple of 1L steins and chatted with the locals, and a band from Argentina on a European tour. Rolling Stones are in town, along with Anderlecht fans.

    I managed to get tickets for Bayern Munich v Anderlecht in the Champions League, which finished 3-0. An early red for the Belgians meant the game was never in doubt. I was adopted by a group of Bayern fans in the Munich markets after they discovered I supported a lowly English football team. They took me for dinner and then got me to the stadium before insisting they paid for my metro trip home. Lovely blokes.

    Incredible stadium the Allianz Arena. Dead impressed.
    My last full day in Munich included heading to the Eisbach which is a natural wave that lasts all year round that locals surf. Really cool. Finished by watching the Champions League games in an Irish Pub.
    Salzburg tomorrow by coach. Vienna on the weekend
    Les mer

  • Dag 11

    Birthplace of Mozart

    14. september 2017, Østerrike ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    Salzburg. A bit of a culture overload here. Seems to be full of Mozart nonces. A lovely city however. Arrived on the early coach from Munich which meant I had 3 or 4 hours to explore in the sun before the clouds and rain arrived. Some breathtaking views. I always like to check out viewpoints in a new city and these didn't disappoint.
    Took a funicular up to an old Austrian fortress where you have amazing views of Salzburg one side, and from the other you can see some incredible mountain ranges.
    Took the hostel receptionist's advice on the best place to get a proper schnitzel so had one of them. It's basically bashed, breaded veal. But very nice along with some cranberry.
    Also stumbled on another running race. The second of my travels. Inspiring.
    Train to Vienna tomorrow
    Les mer

  • Dag 13

    Under-dressed in Vienna

    16. september 2017, Østerrike ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Yesterday saw me arrive in Vienna at around 11, so I jettisoned my heavy rucksack and set off to see the sights. Everywhere you turn in the centre there are ridiculous buildings. Before the walking tour I had a traditional Austrian Käsekrainer. It's essentially a cheese filled bratwurst shoved inside a hollowed out baguette. Perfect!
    Met some other backpackers in the bar - one will be in Slovenia at the same time as me. Played giant jenga and took advantage of cheap happy hour beer.
    Today I walked around sweeping up the rest of the major sights of Vienna, before deciding spontaneously to head for the Opera house to catch a show. They sell cheap last minute standing tickets on the night for an otherwise sold out show. Shame Opera is shite. Nice building though. Left after an hour. Hilarious that I paid €3 and people sat in the row in front paid potentially over €100. Also I'm proud to say I wore my Rovers shirt into the Opera house whilst everyone else was suited and booted.
    Slovenia tomorrow and less than a week until HJ joins me in Venice :)
    Les mer