Three months in Europe

Juli - September 2017
Petualangan 88-sehari oleh Brad and Mandy Pearce Baca selengkapnya
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  • Hari 11

    The Viking capital

    14 Juli 2017, Norway ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Where - Trondheim
    Weather - Cool and cloudy then sunny - 14°C
    Steps - Fitbit had an error - said we walked 30000 steps or around 20km - this is not right but I do think it was around 22000 steps and 14km. Either way we did a lot of walking.

    Trondheim in North Western Norway was once the capital of Norway during the Viking age up until around 1200. No shore excursion organised so we wandered into town. Trondheim is known by is colourful wharf buildings and cathedral which was started in the 9th century. They also the first (only?) bike lift in the world which was a bit of a novelty.

    Sea day tomorrow followed by Honnigsvag and the North Cape which is the most northern part of Norway.
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  • Hari 13

    We're on top of the world... almost!

    16 Juli 2017, Norway ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Where - Honnigsvag / North Cape, Norway
    Weather - Clear and sunny, 19°C
    Steps - 8200 or about 5km

    We have crossed the Arctic Circle where the sun will not set at this time of year. Brad woke at about 3am and it was broad daylight. We arrived in the town of Honnigsvag and from there we had a 45min bus ride to the North Cape or Nordkapp, the most northern part of Norway (maybe the world..not sure).

    Fortunately the day was fantastic weather wise with mostly clear sunny skies and the temperature quite mild. Rather barren landscape with no trees but it was quite spectacular. Saw some reindeer but a bit hard to get a good photo from the bus. The North Cape has great views but would be pretty bleak on a cold winter day. The centre itself had the usual souvenir shop and cafeteria plus an interesting panorama film of the area and several other displays regarding the history of the area.

    Upon return to the town we were gonna to go to the Arctic Icebar but at around 150 Norwegian Kroner ( or about $25 each) so decided to give it a miss (May change our mind in Bergen, particularly if we need to get rid of some Kroner as we don't need it after the cruise. )

    Two sea days as we head back south again before our next port - Geirangerfjord
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  • Hari 17

    This is Norway!!!

    20 Juli 2017, Norway ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Where - Geirangerfjord
    Weather - PERFECT!!! Not a cloud in the sky - 23°C (although a little chilly to start)
    Steps - 11500 or 7.4km and 32 storeys (& 17km bike ride)

    You know when you see the travel brochures of a destination taken on the very best day of the year.... well, this was it! The most beautiful day in the most beautiful fjord in the world - Geirangerfjord.

    After 2 sea days, we sailed into Geirangerfjord and Brad woke early (5am) to take photos of the waterfalls we would be passing. It was cold at this time of the morning though- about 4°C.

    We had booked a shore excursion - SKY TO FJORD BY BICYCLE - where about 40 fellow passengers donned helmets, bike gloves and hi-viz vests and were bussed up to Djupvasshytte Lodge, about 17km away and 1200m above sea level. There we picked up our bike and rode back - downhill all the way. Great fun and great views...a little hairy at times and I'm glad the brakes worked because the road was steep downhill with hairpin bends (and sharing with usual tourist traffic, buses, cars and motorhomes)

    After our bike ride we took the waterfall walk which consisted of quite a few stairs to get to the top of the falls but it was nice. Probably the best day we have had so far on our trip. I'm sure the photos won't do it justice. I hope the weather continues in Bergen and Flam, our next stops.
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  • Hari 17


    20 Juli 2017, Norway ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Where - Bergen
    Weather - MAGIC! Warm and 24°C
    Steps - about 12,000 or 9km

    Bergen is known to be one of the wettest places in Europe, with rain over 250 days per year....but not today! Once again we had picture perfect weather - how lucky are we.

    Our shore excursion included atour of the town plus a furnicular ride to Mt Floien for some great views of Bergen. Our clever guide "call me Ishmael" (sounds like a line from Moby Dick - haha), decided to take us up the furnicular first to avoid the crowds and this was a good call because when we returned the queues waiting for the furnicular were lined up halfway down the street. The views at the top were fabulous as I hope the photos show.

    Next back in town we walked to the Bryggen Wharf, which if you Google Bergen, is the scene usually used. These middle-aged style wooden buildings were the site of Bergen's shipping and commerce and are now a UNESCO World Heritage Site - despite being burnt down completely 3 times in the 1400's, 1700's and 1900's.

    We went to the fish market and bought some fish and chips for lunch which was nice but at about 160 Kroner each (about AUD$25 ), it was a tad expensive. Norway is not cheap. The rest of the day we wandered around taking in the sights and enjoying the lovely weather. Glad to get back on the ship though as this trip has involved a lot of walking and it was time for a LLD (little lie down).

    One final stop on this cruise - Flam (pronounced Flom).
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  • Hari 18

    Scenic Rail Journey

    21 Juli 2017, Norway ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Where - Flåm
    Weather - cool and overcast but no rain @ 16°C
    Steps - about 11,500 and 7km

    Flåm is a small township nestled at the end of a fjord and pretty much accessible by boat or train and the tourist choice is to do the Flåm Railway - one of the world's most scenic train journeys (at least that is what it said on the side of the train). The trip is only about 20km, takes an hour and climbs from sea level to almost 1000m through 20 tunnels.

    We stopped near the top to view a waterfall and while there, the Norwegian version of a siren or mermaid called a Hyrude made an appearance in an attempt to lure the men away to join her. Brad took a photo of her and upon close inspection I thought it was a man dressed in drag ( and apparently it was). Next stop was near the top for waffles and jam and cream before heading back to Flåm.

    As it was our last stop in Norway we needed to use up the last of our Norwegian Kroner so bought some small souvenirs - only about 10NOK left or less than $2AU

    On the ship we had booked dinner in the Culinary Arts Centre with a specialised 4 course menu where the food is prepared in front of you. It was excellent - all the dishes has so much flavour- the Masterchef judges would be impressed.

    This ends our Norwegian party of the holiday. We arrive back in Amsterdam on Sunday where we pick up the car and make our way to Berlin.
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  • Hari 20

    The Road Trip Begins

    23 Juli 2017, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Where - Amsterdam to Berlin
    Weather - Sun and showers...we are driving - who cares!
    Distance - 720km

    Wow, what a day, so many unknowns we had to deal with but it all worked out. First the ship arrived in port almost 2 hours later than scheduled which meant we were late disembarking but that really was not of too much concern. Then we had to meet up with a shuttle at the airport that was taking us to our vehicle... all went as planned. Picked up our car - a Peugeot 308 diesel - brand new. Then we had to work out the GPS and also filling up with fuel before we even start on the open road.

    The funny thing about Europeans is that they think a 3 hour trip is a long way. Our plan was to drive to Berlin via Hamelin (the town of the Pied Piper fame), about 700km. All was going fine until the GPS decided to take us on a little detour to look at...what? It did this to us twice, once to a golf course area and the 2nd time to a McDonalds carpark. Anyway, we are awake to that now.

    We arrived to Hamelin around 5pm, had a bite to eat, some photos and then headed to our Airbnb accommodation in Berlin. First the GPS didn't want to recognise the address (Germans have some funny letters in their alphabet). We found something that was kinda similar so we were hoping for the best. The autobahns are pretty good but we generally were only in the slow or middle lane - the fast lane was for the seriously scarey speedsters who would zoom by at something close to 200 km/hr. Anyway, we made it to Berlin and we found the address of our accommodation (don't know how but we did) so all is good. Tomorrow we start to explore Berlin.
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  • Hari 22

    Berlin the Wall tour

    25 Juli 2017, Jerman ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    Where - Berlin
    Weather - fine and sunny, 24° C
    Steps - 16,450 or 10.4km

    Our first day in Berlin we picked up a 2 day pass for the Hop on hop off bus. Today we chose the tour that deals with the Berlin Wall. It is hard to imagine that this city was divided into East and West and people were still being shot if they tried to escape from the East not even 30 years ago. Thankfully the wall came down in 1989/90 but the reminders are still there. Of course it now becomes a major tourist attraction for the city.

    We also visited the Memorial to the Wall which showed remnants of the wall plus the death zone. Quite sobering.

    The city itself has some beautiful architecture, but everywhere you look there is construction going on. It would be hard to imagine what it would look like with all the scaffolding gone and the streets opened up etc. There are still remnants of buildings that were bombed during World War II in amongst the modern structures.

    It was a long day, plenty of walking, and I dare say the same again tomorrow.
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  • Hari 22

    Berlin- the Traditional tour

    25 Juli 2017, Jerman ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    Where- Berlin
    Weather - wet then overcast 18°C
    Steps - 16500 or 10.5km

    Bit of a wet start to the day but only as we were catching the bus into the city. Today was the traditional tour on the HOHO bus checking out the main sights such as The Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag, Siegessäule (victory column), plus a couple of war time / cold war sights like Checkoint Charlie and the Memorial for the Jewish Holocaust.

    The Reichstag was bombed and almost totally destroyed in the war but you wouldn't know it today. I couldn't work out why the victory column had some pieces missing from the relief work like a head or leg removed from a soldier but then we saw the bullet holes in the marble and in the reliefs and realised that is why they were removed.

    Checkpoint Charlie was the place where people could pass from the west to the east. You could get your passport stamped but of course there is a cost associated with that. (In Europe there is a cost associated with everything - even costs you 50 € cents to use the toilet)

    The Memorial to the Jewish Holocaust was rather unusual with 2711 concrete columns of various heights arranged in narrow alleyways. Not sure how this was meant to represent murdered Jews because we didn't go into the museum to find out, but it looked interesting anyway.

    This ends our trip to Berlin - probably one more day we could have looked at another few things but I think we hit the main points. Off to Copenhagen tomorrow.
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  • Hari 23

    Copenhagen, here we come

    26 Juli 2017, Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Where - Berlin to Copenhagen
    Weather- raining in Germany, fine in Denmark 22°C
    Distance - 420km plus ferry crossing

    Today was another travelling day from Berlin to Rostock, ferry crossing about 2 hours then on to our accommodation near Copenhagen. We were stressing a bit because the airbnb accommodation we had booked had not been confirmed with the host so I'm busy trying to contact airbnb to sort it out. One of those little hiccups you get occasionally. Anyway, all sorted and we have a place to stay.

    The only place we visited was an area called Stevns Klint which is a white chalk cliff that is a world heritage UNESCO site because of fossils there from the Creataceous period. There is an ancient stone church perched right on the cliff edge that has fantastic views, and a very steep staircase down to the stony beach - yes, we climbed down it.

    After that it was an easy drive to our accommodation - a quiet home in the suburbs - ready for a big day in Copenhagen tomorrow.
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  • Hari 24

    Beautiful, Wonderful (wet) Copenhagen

    27 Juli 2017, Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Where - Copenhagen
    Weather - started fine, then wet - 22°C ( then 16°C)
    Steps - 13,500 ~ 8.5km

    We started the day early mainly because Brad was concerned about one of the tyres on the car where he misjudged and hit a kerb made of rough cobblestone, taking a chunk out of the side. The tyre people assured him it was not a problem so we continued on our journey.

    We caught the train into the city - the Danes have some very nice trains. We were in a carriage that was a silent zone - no talking allowed. We were in the city in 15 mins as it was an express train. First thing was HOHO tickets and we are on or way to exploring Copenhagen. So what do we know about Copenhagen? Not much it seems. It has a maritime history and was the home of Hans Christian Andersen of The Little Mermaid fame (and of course Princess Mary).

    First stop Statue of The Little Mermaid - quite small really, then the changing of the guard at the royal palace - not quite Buckingham Palace but the same principle. We took a boat ride through the canals which was quite enjoyable and took us to Nyhavn, an area of colourful houses along the waterfront. After that the rain started and we decided to abandon our walk around some attractive gardens and make our way back to our accommodation.

    I think Copenhagen is an attractive city but unfortunately we did not see it in the best light - i think it rains a lot in Denmark. Tomorrow we make our way towards Hirtshals where we are catching the car ferry to Faroe Islands then to Iceland.
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