Wedding and Honeymoon

octubre 2022 - enero 2023
Una aventura de 80 días de Angharad Leer más
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  • Transit

    13 de octubre de 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Unbelievably the day has finally arrived.
    Our usual taxi driver Mr T. Dowse was unavailable so we got an Uber. Very efficient dude unlike the Pickering/Craig’s whose taxi driver was 45 minutes late. We were sitting in the business lounge just imagining the mood and Helen’s stress.
    When we got to the airport and tried to check in the lady was like have you done your declaration and I was like ???? No. Cue stress. Couldn’t check in without it.
    I said it’s not on smart travelers to do it and she said it is but I have re checked and no it’s not and my travel agent quit so possibly why the info wasn’t passed on. 😪😪
    Anyways, quickly did it at the counter.
    Lucky we were business with no one waiting behind us cause it took a while. The economy line would have been very annoyed at us. 😬
    I’ve sent an email to dad cause I doubt they have done it but have probs stressed them out more than anything as I didn’t actually explain anything properly. 😅 my bad. I’ll do a better job once at the hotel.
    My main worry is because Mum doesn’t have a smart phone and couldn’t have done a quick fix like we did. So must do beforehand. Hopefully their travel agent can help. Nothing major just has to be done.

    Went VIP line through customs then into the lounge. Not as fancy as I’d imagined tbh. You could get your moneys worth with the self serve bar though.
    Breakfast was a basic buffet and the chairs were more padded.

    The crew finally arrived and we gave everyone hug, they had a very quick feed before they had to turn around and go to their gate.

    Went to our gate, waited, boarded blah blah.

    Now we Fannnccyyyy.

    Everyone has their own little cube. So much leg space and I can sit cross legged in my chair which I looooove.

    The food has been amazing even though not enough. Absolutely bloody starving but I’ve just raided the free snacks section and shamelessly walked back with about 6 different things- chocolate, chips, passion fruit shortbread, pretzels, almonds and celery/carrot with dip lol.

    *insert dancing Winnie the Pooh gif with knife and fork dance*

    Have slept a bit. Need my elbow room where my arms sit at 90° from my body which I can’t do but still so much better than economy plebs. Haha
    I think Will fitted but is now sleeping upright. He is a little grumpy because he has a sore throat.
    Mine is super dry too from the recycled air.
    We both got the famous gray QANTAS pajamas so both quite happy about that. We weren’t sure cause it’s not a night flight.

    Time is definitely going quicker than usual but I’m having so much anxiety it’s insane. I think not knowing about the digital declaration has triggered my paranoia that I have forgotten something else and they won’t let me in. I think it’s a way bigger deal than usual cause peoples lives are affected if we don’t get in. They coming just for us .. 😅
    Also aware I don’t have Wi-Fi and don’t know Caesar’s address if I need to give it again or any info really.
    I have a little battery in my bag.
    I don’t have a medical certificate for the pill (never been and issue but have decided today it might be 🤦🏼‍♀️)
    And we have to get our bags and re drop them once in LA which I’ve never done. At least I’ll know they haven’t lost my wedding dress lol.

    Loosing the plot I tell you.

    The entertainment options on board are horseshit.

    Now I’m stressed because I haven’t heard from Craig (obviously because I’m on an airplane..) but that must mean Roberts dead.
    Hate my brain.

    Have been trying to get Wills attention to steal a buttermenthol off him but he is playing his snake game which is actually a great choice from him cause one round can take him like 2 hours. Great time killer lol.

    I’m a big ol sour puss about the exchange rate. USD is strongest it’s been in 20 years 🙃
    BUT am pleased we got cash out a few days ago at 59.8c because the airport rate was 52. Absolutely go get fucked.

    Am currently wearing engagement ring for once in my life. Hate. So stressed trying to sleep it feels like it’s going to fall off my finger.
    What a mood killer that would be 😊

    2 hours 6 mins to go. We think we should get our breakfast soon. We put in our ORDERS before takeoff and they have to have time to give them out, clean up and land.

    I’ve caught 1000 planes and been to 47 countries. I don’t know why I’m so bloody stressed. Far out.
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  • Día 1


    14 de octubre de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    We got in. 😂😂🕺🏻🕺🏻

    Had to clear customs but could do the questions together so that was good.
    Then had to get our bags - all 3 arrived. Another huzzah moment.
    Dropped them off - this was a tad unofficial so we’ll see if they turn up lol.
    We then had to find our domestic terminal which was easy but tedious.
    Had a quick wee stop and the toilet doors are ridiculous. Will could crawl under the door the gap is so big. A 2 year old could walk clean under.

    Went through TSA crap again and had to take off shoes to Wills delight. He is crashing rapidly. Still has a sore throat and hasn’t slept properly in days.
    Has the shits big time. Once we arrive he is being drugged and sent to bed.
    LAX is shite.
    Found our fancy lounge though - much more impressive than QANTAS’s. Better buffet and more drink options.
    1 hour more til boarding.

    Will is straight up stressing me out with his very loud moaning and groaning and coughing.
    We have time to recover before wedding but we do not want him to have to take a Covid test and dun dun DUNNNNN fuck up everything.

    Should have left the lounge earlier. Only in the main section for 10 minutes and had a terrific time.
    Saw a dog poop on the floor and an embarrassed Mum pick it up - forgot dogs are allowed. Love it.
    Best part was overhearing a phone conversation that started with “no, I don’t need a transfer to a hotel I’m not staying at because someone didn’t do their job” to “I’ll be contacting my lawyer and I’m going to sue you.”
    Then he hung up.
    It was amazing.
    10/10 American show.

    Boarded the plane and had a 5 word exchange with a British man (become relevant in a moment)
    Domestic first class is as expected - premium economy.
    Just a quick hour flight then we landed.
    Immediately as you walk into the airport there are poker machines 😆

    Went to get our bags. Wedding dress one arrived first - brilliant.
    Then mine.

    Then we noticed the same bag as Wills get picked up by a bloke, I did a sneaky look and it was his bag and not Wills so walked away and watched them collect their second bag (also the same black duffel)
    Time passes and another black duffel appears, but it’s not ours.
    Tag is for England.
    Dude who took the same bag is British.
    Unlikely to be a 3rd party with same bag.
    💡💡 he has our bag. 😪
    We raced around the airport looking for him but he was gone.
    I checked the other bag for a number but there wasn’t one so I took it to the American Airlines baggage claim and said this guy took the wrong bag.
    She was incredible. No messing around, straight on the phone and straight to the point with him. He said he took the right bag and she got all American blunt and was all “I wouldn’t be calling you if you did” the tude was hectic hahah.
    She ain’t taking shit.
    Anyways, he returned it and crisis averted. He apologized profusely.

    Caught our taxi for $25 - we had $30 so I intended to give him a $5 tip but he gave Will back some $1’s and Will kept them all hahah yeww.

    Check in like was so lonnnnng. We paid $25 for an early checkin cause Will is done.
    He is currently sleeping - I went out and got us throat numbing spray and a wall changer.

    We have awoken, he is still miserable 😔
    I went out to get us food from the Earl of sandwich. Pretty good. Pleased with how our money card is working.

    Currently 9pm. Total waste of a day but we need him to be better in time for the wedding. Wish we didn’t have to swap hotels in the morning 😓
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  • Día 2


    15 de octubre de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Neither of us has slept.
    And I am currently in the waiting room at the hospital.
    It’s going well 😬😬😬

    He is crook.
    He has 4 full days to recover if we get his some drugs early. Hopefully it is something that can be treated with antibiotics and we aren’t about to spend a gazillion dollars for no reason and gives him hope rather than you just have to put up with it.

    Sooo. We spent a gazillion dollars for no reason.
    But in reality it could have been so much worse. Once I was allowed into the hospital room with him I got told they had taken a swab to check for strep throat. I asked how much as she said about $3500.
    Holy balls.
    Had a little cry in the corner.
    Went down to $2400 once she did the proper maths.
    Then it was such a big fuss of me trying to convert money onto our Travel card. I had to activate my roaming but still not a strong enough signal and it kept declining.
    Found some Wi-Fi and got it done. Was worried because if I didn’t have USD preloaded on the card they take a lovely conversion fee.
    Went back in and Maria R. Is the champion of the day charging us only $1200 which is still OUTRAGEOUS and next level HORRIFYING but I’ll take it. Bless you 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
    Converts to about $2000 because of our delightful exchange rate.
    I hate this country.
    I’d like to start enjoying our holiday please.
    He got a prescription for ibuprofen.

    Went back to the hotel and had to pack cause we had to check out. Not stressful at all..

    Could have walked to Caesar’s but got a taxi because what’s another $10 when you have already spent a fortune.
    We paid for an early check in but it still wasn’t ready so we went to McDonald’s and to fill his prescription.

    Got his drugs and went to reception because I had a billing question. When we went to check in earlier a transaction was denied - so we fixed it.
    They charge $50 a day resort fee and then $100 a day in case we trash the room so another $1100 spent today.

    In conclusion, we have spent more today than I budgeted for all of America 😄
    At least we do in theory get $700 back but not til 10-15 business days after check out.
    The mood is lowwww.

    We still need to go to the courthouse.
    Hopefully tomorrow.

    Just hung out in our room. Completely wasting our time but the point of Vegas is a wedding so I’ll suck it up because that’s way more important.

    I’m currently back at Earl of Sandwich because we really enjoyed dinner last night. Will stayed in hotel.
    It was about a 20 minute walk each way.

    I tried on wedding dress earlier and have decided to not have it steamed.

    Sleep pattern is fucked. Asleep at 8:30 awake at 12:30. Looked at this lamp in the dark for like the next 4 hours.
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  • Día 3


    16 de octubre de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    I think Will got some sleep this morning. He is going to overdose on drugs soon though. Not great at waiting for the waiting before next drug.
    We both slept til about 12 so that was fabulous. Didn’t want to move because didn’t want to wake him so I was awake for ages cause I was dying to pee.
    Eventually got up and quietly went down to Starbucks downstairs and got him 2 croissants in case he got hungry while I was away because we originally had lunch plans with Casey and Shin.

    We went to Sadelles Cafe in the Bellagio. Google maps does not like the casinos. It can’t figure out were I am and each casino is like a city but I eventually found it.
    It had a pretty garden display in front of it. Vegas has got so many beautiful displays but all the photos are shit because there is like 1000 people in each pic.

    They couldn’t find our reservation.
    So Shin called someone and gave his phone to the worker who then spoke to someone else and suddenly “we’ll make room for you” and we were in.
    I ordered the blueberry pancakes and they were excellent.
    Best part was about 30 minutes into the meal the manager came over and apologized profusely for the mix up and all our meals became free 😂😂😂 yay for famous friends hahahaha
    So ridiculous even though I benefited lol. Manager gave him his personal card too for next time.
    Chit chat wasn’t as awkward as I was anticipating. No awkward pauses.
    Actually had a really good time.
    They have said they can get me and Will free tickets to a cirque show which I’d love but don’t know if he will recover in time 😔 lovely offer though.
    Hate being female. Casey was fine but felt obligated to give a very awkward hug hello and goodbye to Shin. I feel so uncomfortable hugging one person and not the other so I probs made him uncomfortable by hugging him too but oh well.
    Actually no, can definitely confirm i made him uncomfortable, his body language was stiff as a board.
    Can I please just shake your hand like a man? 😭😭 there are no guessing games on how to greet people when a dude.
    Casey has said if we stay in the audience at the show on the 20th they will both come out and say hello so I’ll probs see them in a few days.

    Currently sitting in the bath cause Will still resting.

    We hung out for a bit then I made a reservation at the Cheesecake Factory for us for dinner cause it was in Caesar’s and I didn’t think it would be too outrageous cause it’s a chain.

    The casinos are so big 😩😩 it’s literally like 800m just to the Resturant and we still in the same building and only explored a little bit of it.

    Neither of us particularly hungry so he got a burger and I got a salad. I got us mozzarella sticks too cause I know we both like them and both of us took a gamble on our meal.
    My salad was odd but enjoyable.
    It was apple, corn, blue cheese, tomato, avocado and lettuce.
    Meal came to $60. And then it’s a 20% tip .. so $72 all up. Which converts to $115.

    Sooo basically our entire days budget on one meal where we picked the cheapest option.
    Good. Great. Excellent.

    Dordled back cause Will was crashing again after the walk and cigarette smoke everywhere.
    I had a quick shower then went to the lobby to collect Mary the tan lady.

    I emailed her last night cause to finalize and she asked if my wife needed a tan so I explained I was the bride. She was still terribly confused and thought I was just a gay guy saying I’m the bride..

    She sprayed me in the shower. Had to hold my arms up and do 3 rounds - arms were hurting by the end haha
    Originally quoted $75 but I was conned into a $90 product. More expensive for a natural look, professional weightlifting orange was $70.
    Fuck it.
    Then THE TIP 😩 I hate this country. Goodbye to another $20 or $32AUD

    Had to wait 3 hours and have now washed it off. We have past the time watching episodes of ridiculousness.

    2am currently and stressed about Mum and dad. I hope dad checks emails cause it’s the the only way to contact us unless I turn my roaming on for a 3rd day but money tiiiiiight I don’t want to spend more money if I don’t have to. I’ve sent him and email and if he doesn’t respond I’ll turn it on around midday to see where they are. He is meant to ring Will on arrival but his chargers not working so his phone is dead.
    So that means little sleep for me again.
    Will is asleep though and that’s the main thing!! He actually got some good rest today, hopefully today he is feeling better!!
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  • Día 4


    17 de octubre de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Didn’t sleep again. Terrific.
    We were still up watching house hunters and other reno shows while waiting for Wills next pill time which was like 4am 👍🏼
    Got some Zzz and up by 9:30.
    Dad not replying to me which is stressing me out because I’d assume like a normal person he would use his phone during his layover. I’m hoping it’s not because they have been denied entry and put back on a long plane to Australia or mums been arrested for drug smuggling. Lolz.
    I have no idea what time they are meant to arrive so just wasting our morning waiting really. Really need to get to the courthouse.
    Would leave them to fend for themself if reception had seating. But it doesn’t and Mum will be dying by now so we will wait. Got so stressed I even activated my global roaming again in case he can’t see email and because Wills phone is off - tried to send a text but doesn’t work.
    Day 3 of 3 of roaming for no reason. LOVE wasting money.
    This morning we have showered then walked to get Will a new charger quickly. We walked past the bellagio fountain show except it wasn’t on yet. Must actually see before we go, not having mch luck with it. 🤦🏼‍♀️
    Went the long way to the pharmacy cause there was this half naked dude angry yelling at anyone and anything and frankly could have become violent so we walked around him
    How good are drugs though 👍🏼👍🏼
    Got him a new cord and some apples cause we both feel vitamin deficient.

    Just waiting.

    More waiting.

    Very quickly getting simultaneously angry and unbelievably stressed.

    Sent dad a text off Wills phone cause it charged in time basically saying don’t know where you are and we need to leave and that they need to check in early.

    Literally as we were leaving the hotel they were walking in and I cried in relief. Dad said his phone was on airplane mode.
    You are not on an airplane Trevor.
    It’s literally the first thing they tell you when you land “it’s 8:05 local time and you may now switch your phone off airplane mode.” 🙄

    We went to maccas cause we hadn’t eaten and it’s the cheapest option 🤷🏼‍♀️
    Then walked up a bit to the Venician hotel which was nice on the outside and got a taxi from there to the marriage license bureau.
    Just had to line up for maybe 10 mins then got seen by a lady. We had to verify ID, swear under oath with our right hand up that our info was accurate (lol) , pick our certificate design and pay. We then walked about 500m to the pawn store from Pawn Stars which was my highlight of the day. Went inside the store and it was much smaller than I envisioned. Essentially just a long room.
    Lots of cool stuff for sale. A few Picassos. Only a couple thousand. (2-3) we don’t know if that means they are prints or not?
    If the exchange rate wasn’t so bad we would consider buying one if real haha.
    We then walked to the a fair distance to the outlets stores and Will was dying by now and needed a drink. The sun was so hot.
    Of course the outlets are outdoors and not a centre 🥵🥵
    Found a vending machine. Didn’t specify prices an you had to pay before selecting.
    Chose a sprite.
    $6.50. Which is $10.50 AUD. Absolutely go get fucked.
    We went to adidas and Nike. Bought a shirt at Adidas for $12.50 so still cheaper which crap exchange.
    Went to Nike for a hat but terrible selection so went to a hat store and got ripped off. I do love it though and I need it cause the Vegas glare is insane. I’ll suck it up for this one haha .
    Got a taxi back to hotel. Our driver was really chatty. Will complained about America to her a lot 😆
    We got home and sussed what we wanted for dinner then headed over next door to the Bellagio for their fountain show which was actually really good. The water is choreographed to music. I dont know if the music changed but we had Billy Jean by Michael Jackson.
    We then got subway and headed home.
    Good day, actually did things.
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  • Día 5


    18 de octubre de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    We both slept 🎉🎉🎉
    Met Mum and Dad by the fountain in the foyer and went to cafe Americana for Breakfast. I laughed when Mums pancakes came out. HUGE. So unnecessarily. She ate 1 of 3. Even Dad only finished 2/3 of his and the man can EAT.
    Will didn’t like his hollandaise sauce which presumably ruined his meal. I got avo toast and it was good.
    At some point dad was telling a story and then suddenly started talking about being in Philadelphia years ago and mentioned negro’s and there was a black lady at next table and I low key wanted to die. Holy moly. Shut up. Bad as Bill. Also at some point he was talking about abo’s too 🤦🏼‍♀️😪.
    We then went to each other’s room to collect and dump stuff.
    Then off to the pharmacy for Mum to get a toothbrush. Then continued walking to show dad the Paris casino cause I liked it. Lots of walking and Will started going downhill again so we found him a drink and sat for a bit. Dad super angry about rules about getting a drink. Not a clue what he is on about cause I asked for a drink and they gave me a drink…?
    We then walked back to hotel.

    I’ve had a 2 hour nap which I definitely should not had had with the wedding tomorrow but the heat takes it out of you. The casino smoke is also not good for my chest. It’s very tight.

    Decided we would go to the bnb Jess, Jax, Bill and Helen are at.
    About a 15 minute Uber but the Trevor bank paid for it 🙌🏼🙌🏼😭😭
    Love their bnb. So spacious and I can’t explain how or why but just very American. Very spacious. and can imagine a party with 50 people standing around with red cups.

    We sat by the pool and chit chatted. Will did an amazing job keeping Jax entertained which I’m sure Jax LOVED. They played on his Nintendo switch, played ping pong and pool.
    We ordered pizza and had some drinks and just more chit chat.
    Actually had a really nice night.
    We sussed out some basic logistics for tomorrow so hopefully it all goes smoothly.
    We got an Uber home, I’ve got my wedding stuff ready on the table. Will just watching videos 🙄😆
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  • Día 6

    Wedding day

    19 de octubre de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

    Wedding day! 🕺🏻
    Had a good chat with Will in the loo around 3am.
    Off to a cracking start, we’re gonna be stuffed.
    The planning was all very last minute so It didn’t line up perfectly. I had to meet the girls downstairs at 9 but Will wasn’t meeting dad until 9:45 so I told him as long as he had pants on he could sleep longer. 😆
    Jess and Helen brought nibbles and I’m such an ungrateful turd cause I didn’t like any of it except the strawberries.
    I hate breakfast food. It’s a constant problem. I don’t want your pastries 😭 but I tried to eat some cause I didn’t think I would have a chance to eat for entire day and that could end in tears.
    I was stressed about hair and make up people became I was told I’d have to meet them and then bring them up and my phone isn’t cooperating. I had given them Jess’ number but then she was leaving to go get her hair done and I was worried I couldn’t contact them but they the artists found their own way and knocked on our door and I felt the stress leave my body.
    My hair lady was Brittany and she was chatty which I appreciated. And she did a cracking job. Better than my trial because I asked for the bun hairs to go up and down and not twist around which she did.
    Make up I was happy with until the end. I was unhappy with the eyeliner underline and my lipstick and I got a bit sad about it actually but kept it to myself mainly. I told everyone I was annoyed but I got upset in the bathroom. 😔
    Nothing could be done. Better that look than me try to fix it and make it worse. I figured it would still look nice in the long distant pics which are the type I was most excited for anyways.
    Positive thoughts Angharad.
    Next thing I got the shits about was that I was standing around in my dress for like 30 mins waiting for someone to help me do it up.
    Was being dramatic cause I was sad about my face I think.
    Jess and Helen brought up my bouquet for me when they came back from my hair appointment so at least that was done. We were still going to be late though and still wasn’t 100% sure about pickup location.
    Went downstairs and boys were not at the meeting point. 😪 ffs.
    Called Will and he seemed cranky so I was like ok no big reveal moment. Setting myself up for disappointment so don’t worry about it.
    Just waited for them In the foyer and they finally turned up.
    I suppose the positive is I didn’t cry and ruin my makeup.
    I think he gave me an aw. 🙄
    Didn’t get a moment with my dad which I was sad about too.
    Lots of happy comments from strangers though.
    Anyways found the limo so that was the main bit done.
    Had the paperwork and rings so we got on our way. It was about and hour 15 ride. I was next to Jax and he was showing me Mario kart.
    We had a quick stop on the way because we were early so everyone bought lots of snacks.
    Once we got there the minister talked to just me and Will in the limo. We needed a witness and I picked dad cause didn’t want Bill cause they have same name and Mum is life skill useless and didn’t want her as the main person just in case something ever needs verifying later because she wouldn’t be helpful.
    Walked around the corner and went into a little nook. It was lovely, I was worried I’d be unhappy with the spot but I wasn’t. I was also really happy with the ceremony. I liked the vows and we had 2 bible verses. The love is patient one and the what God brings together let know man separate one which I was stoked about because that was the only verse I ever really wanted.
    Will was excellent. He smiled and supported me when I cried (started crying as soon as the ceremony started 😅😅😅 ) but then my voice also broke when I said I take him as my husband.
    He was rubbing my hand with his thumb ♥️
    Very emotional. Very happy.
    I now pronounce you husband and wife was a great moment.
    “Introducing Mr and Mrs William Pickering” was not.
    But it didn’t ruin the whole thing only because everyone laughed because they knew how shitty I’d be about it. I have a name. But there understanding lightened it for me.

    We then got group pics which I’m really excited to see.
    Then me and Will went and got some individuals.
    Also pumped.
    I have high hopes.
    We went to 5 different spots I think. Everyone else just hung out in the van.
    Will was so cooperative I was so pleased and appreciative. He made the day good for me. ♥️ he smiled and participated 😭🥰♥️.
    Jaxon was a delight. Wouldn’t even know he was there.
    We then started the journey home.
    I don’t think anything noteworthy happened on the way home just chitchat.
    Gave the driver all 3 peoples tips and I’m pretty sure he was cranky I only gave the minimum. Bill gave him specifically another $20.
    If you want more then ask for more. If $50 isn’t actually good enough then say $100 to begin with 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Jess went to drop Jax back at the bnb cause she ordered a babysitter for dinner.
    I went and took my veil off then we all went over to Gordon Ramsays Hell’s Kitchen. I wanted McDonald’s but Bill said that was uNaCepTabLe so we went fancy Instead and offered to pay.
    We all got the set meal which included his signature beef Wellington and sticky date pudding.
    For entree we had options of a beet salad or scallops.
    It was ok.
    Beef Wellington was cooked to perfection but actual taste was nice but again nothing WOW. It was also cold.
    Dessert was lovely but we were all too full and it too was cold.
    In conclusion I didnt rate and am sad we didn’t get McDonalds.

    Dad and Bill did lovely toasts. ♥️
    Dad said I looked Beautiful 🥰

    It’s the tip that fucks you over the most. Despise.
    We then went out separate ways. So good to take off my shoes.
    Overall loved every minute In the desert. The before and after weren’t perfect but being with Will and family made me happy.
    I’m a happy wife.
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  • Día 7


    20 de octubre de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Met Mum and Dad In the foyer and bought big bus tickets, then got on our way trying to find a pick up point. (Will went to bnb to play with Jax) Their website is garbage. So unhelpful. Helen said something about the Paris hotel the other day so walked there. Nope. Had to walk back the way we came and go behind Flamingos to mums delight in the heat. More exercise this morning than the last year. 😆
    Eventually found our stop and waiting a while for the bus. Vegas is NOT big on providing seats. No where to sit at all times. Veryyy sunny.
    Our tour guide was Lindsay and she was really good. Our first POI was a Resturant that used to be a mob hideout and has connecting tunnels underground to all the casino.
    We drove on for a while and just looked at arty sections with cool murals and stuff and a boxing gym (Johnny Toccos) where ***** trained.
    There was also a cannabis dispensary drive through lol.
    We eventually got to the mob museum stop where we decided to get out.
    Dad bought the tickets - he couldn’t decide which one to get. He is so annoying, he does this with garlic bread every single time we go to a Resturant - if you want Garlic bread then order garlic bread. If you want to do an interactive activity then get that ticket. Especially if your the on paying. Who cares about anyone else you get to pick lol. Stop self sacrificing. Doesn’t matter if I’m not keen just do it. 😩
    I always feel bad when I say no I don’t want garlic bread. I’m glad he bought the interactive tickets. 😆
    Very pleased for him when he gets a little win.
    Mob museum was cool however I don’t think it was good for entry level. If you have no prior knowledge, which I don’t cause mob/gang stuff doesn’t tickle my fancy it wasn’t overly good at setting up the story. Still interesting to read all the stuff.
    Really like the the saint Valentine’s Day wall massacre exhibit. It was the brick wall where they all got shot. They then had I’ll call them autopsy findings which showed where they were shot and then the bullets they retrieved from their bodies.
    Lots. Lots and lots.
    This was the best bit of the whole place.
    We then went down a level and watched a video of trials of some of the mobsters - found this interesting too but couldn’t watch all of it because we were late to our interactive crime lab activity.
    At the crime lab was 5 activities. One was a digital body we had to determine cause of death. We all watch way too many crime shows and we got it quickly. Common sense but still lol.
    Eg is self defense marks not drag marks on hands because not scratches.
    Next one was a dna one which was stupid. Just had to match the dnd to suspects.
    3rd was a fingerprint one which I liked. Had my finger scanned and then had to figure out what type of finger print I had. Then The computer matched my type to a mobster and printed it which I was happy about so I had something to stick in my journal haha.
    4th was looking under a microscope at fibers (stupid)
    And 5th was gun bullet analysis which we all failed hardcore in. We all agree we would need more convincing in court. Looked nothing alike to us.
    We then skipped a lot of the museum and left to go back to bus stop. Perfect timing, walked straight on which was fab cause it’s 45 mins between buses.

    New tour guide not newly as good. Creepy is the word I’d use and rude.
    He wasn’t detailed like the other lady he would vaguely wave his hand on the right is this… can’t see it bud. Other lady would be like behind the red building you will see a palm tree, it’s just behind that. Thank you Lindsay, that’s helpful.
    New dudes name was Art I think and he just made lots of jokes about watching naked people a lot and they didn’t land. He was 70, fat with a pony tail and just greasy vibes.

    Drove past some of the casinos we won’t get to explore like New York, New York, Luxor and Excalibur.
    Then past the Vegas sign which is tiny??? Glad we didn’t make a specific trip.
    Vegas is stupid. It’s too big. That’s my official stance. It’s also just a lot of parking lots. They spend so much money blowing up old casinos and building new ones with not a second thought for the in between stuff.
    Bus driver was due for a break so we all got off for 30 mins and had lunch. We had Popeyes chicken and dad was losing his shit at the menu for no reason. “Do you understand any of this fucking shit?”
    Huff puff huff.
    Sandwich means burger, that’s the only difference. But it’s a picture of a burger sooooo I don’t understand the hissyfit. I think its a combo of many small frustrations cause completely invalid reason to spit the dummy BUT I am so on board for his frustration at the entire country which I presume was what that actually was lol. The straw that broke the camel.
    Then after all that, the chicken was crap but kept my mouth shut Hahaha. Free food is great food.
    Got back on bus for one stop to finish tour then got off and walked back to home.
    Once in the hotel I went to ask FedEx for a quote about sending luggage/dress home.
    Eek! $400 for a base quote of 10kg. Didn’t include size of case measurements or Australian custom prices.
    Fast forwarding to our solution, Helen has agreed to take it with them and I could cry in thanks.

    Went back upstairs to go to room and my key card isn’t working. Lucky Will returned same time cause ceebs wait at the front desk behind 500 people for someone to fix it.
    Spent the next hour trying to organize our tour for tomorrow by getting everyone’s lunch orders.
    Sorted 👍🏼

    Met Mum and dad in the foyer and went to maccas then to the Mirage for Shins show.
    But before we did dad told everyone about he spat the dummie at Starbucks.
    “Long story short” proceed to tell 5 minute story about America service and the donut inspectors and assist donut inspector.
    Not having a good time at the food places hey.
    Our seats were fabulous, dead center a few rows from the front.
    The assisting act was sensational - Colin Cloud. He was on AGT or BGT too.
    Hilariously witty. His trick is reading minds.

    Some tricks were guessing birthdays and facts and stuff. Hard to explain but bonkers. Hard to believe people not in on it.
    He was honestly part comedian too. Whole crowd laughing.

    Shin was sensational too. He is much much much better when silent and just doing magic with body language. When speaking he is flustered.
    His first trick didn’t work for me so I became nervous for the whole show and he dropped some cards a few times and I was stressed but he smashed it. One of his main tricks the volunteer sucked cause she wasn’t responsive.
    Can’t even remember the trick but she picked the 4 of hearts and thousands of 4 hearts fell from the ceiling. The best part was his AGT trick with the signed cards in the bags. Blown away.
    Also just his general slight of hand stuff 🤯🤯🤯

    I nearly got picked 3 times to go on stage. Unsure if intentional or not but I kept dodging the stuff thrown in the audience to pick next contestant lol. Would have loved to but couldn’t answer the question “we don’t know each other so we” so though best not to.

    Shin and Casey came out after show to meet everyone with there dogs. A little awkward but fine.
    Will, dad, Jess and I did some gambling can’t go to Vegas and not gamble. Will did some roulette but mainly the pokies.
    Nobody won anything. Shocking 😏
    Finally got ourselves to bed.
    Good day. 🥰
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  • Día 8

    Grand Canyon

    21 de octubre de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Not off to a cracking start. We found the pick up point easily and Helen agreed to take our luggage which is AMAZING but the bus seats are garbage. When we walked in the bus I heard someone say sit at the table but it had reserved signs in them so I walked past. Apparently they were for groups.
    I go to a Resturant and see a reserved sign I don’t sit there if I didn’t call and make a booking. Same thing. But now I’m mad and Will is too that we are stuck separated from everyone in tiny seats. 😪
    Just annoyed about why i got pestered “why didn’t you sit at the table” BECAUSE I DIDNT OK

    Not vibing the bus driver or tour guide.
    We stopped to get breakfast and wowza. No organization. Total waste of time.
    We drove over the Hoover dam. Shouldn’t be in their advert if you don’t actually get to visually see it though..
    Drove for 2 hours very uncomfortably then stopped at a Route 66 stop that cars was based off. Cool to see cause I could see the likeness.
    Back on the bus and the bombshell I’m fucking furious about is our options are pay $20 to do walking tour or walk 3 miles by yourself maybe get lost and pay $1200 fine if lost..
    UHM. I have bought this particular tour specifically as it is NOT a walking tour and was appropriate for Mum.
    Can’t even look at her right now.

    Talked to the tour guide dude and asked about shuttle buses and he knew nothing “I just do the walking tour”
    Bruv. Your job is tour guide. You should know about the company you work for and the place you work at?????????
    I’m fuming.
    We have all signed up for the walking tour cause maybe there is a private bus or something idk. Lots of whispers going up and down the bus trying to organize.
    No tip today idgaf. Absolutely not.
    I literally got a message this morning talking about wearing masks in the shuttle buses.

    Ok so on our way back now.
    The canyon it self is awesomely beautiful. We went to a view point up top and then took our bus down to the next stop which is also our final stop.
    Fuming that the map guide he handed out was very simple. Free shuttle buses from our points 1 and 2. Didn’t need to pay for your tour, bud 🙃
    But also gave lots of people the wrong map 👍🏼👏🏼
    Tour guide is a lie. We walk 200 meters as a group and he occasionally helped take a photo and told us not to fall of the edge. That’s about it. No knowledge was shared about the grand canyon itself. NOTHING. Not even about flowers or animals in the area. He was also so unprofessional it was astounding.
    “You know I’m saying G, I feel ya dog, oh shiiiiiiit.”
    What. Speak properly. Your are working right now.
    People asked questions and he answered I don’t know.
    Wtf man.

    Views beautiful but not relevant to him or the company. I smell a review coming along 👃🏾👃🏾
    Took lots and lots of photos. Will participated ♥️♥️♥️ Need to find him a good job sticker.

    Glad we came but would not recommend company. Couldn’t organize root in brothel.

    There was a dog with shoes.

    Back on the bus 😩
    It been hours now and I don’t think we are even close and it’s FUCKING FREEZING. I’ve got 2 jumpers on.
    We stopped at a servo to change drivers and it’s the whole bus with 2 toilets and one cashier lady 👍🏼
    Over ittt.

    I hope soon I was stop using my daily entries just to bitch 😆😆😆😆

    Our new driver was awful and Will was starting to feel sick. We got picked up 6am and it was past 10pm. 2 hours behind schedule. Get fucked so we opted to jump of the bus and walk the last bit of the strip.

    So glad to see my bed.
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  • Día 9

    Bryce canyon

    22 de octubre de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

    Packed this morning and met Mum and dad downstairs to say bye.
    They opted not to get off the bus last night but told us this morning that the bus then broke down and didn’t get home til after 11:30 😂
    I’ve got a spicy review in my drafts haha

    When we checked out we got charged for 4 mini bar purchases 😪😪😪
    I don’t understand the receipt because even though they supposedly deleted the charges for us I owe $46.
    Nothing in our time has cost $46 - not a late check in fee not a resort fee. Nothing.
    Awaiting when they release our money. As long as they release $700 I’ll settle.

    Got a taxi to the bnb.
    Man alive they would have dropped some dough this week going back and forth.
    $34 one way.
    But absolutely worth it cause we picked up washing, got to say bye, dropped off our bags/my ring and got a free lift to the airport. Yewww.

    Bill heading back to airport with us cause their hire car didn’t come with GPS and he has the shits. lol

    Get to counter, originally got quoted incorrectly - we also want a gps but they have none so have to change cars for an extra $350.
    This country istg.

    Did it because I don’t trust Wills Wi-Fi connection.
    Glad we did it cause connection was weak in the car but mannnnnn.

    Glad Will is driving. My brain has trouble flipping to other side of the road. Brain has trouble with a lot of things. Lol
    It took around 4 hours. We went through the corner of Arizona to get to Utah. The backdrop is beautiful.
    Looong drive but finally arrived.
    Wicked cold.
    Check in dude said it’s meant to snow overnight. 👀
    It was quite late, I was over driving and also instructions unclear so opted to just go to one view point quickly before sunset.

    Chose sunset point.

    Loved it. Absolutely beautiful.

    It was so windy and cold.

    Went back and got groceries. Expensive still but at least we got salad ♥️

    Spent hours going through wedding pics and just relaxing cause it’s cold outside but our heater is dong a bang up job.
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